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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:31 |只看该作者
   记我们谈一谈有关你、如何消费,让我们谈一谈公司用什么来做为市场的主要竞争力。你通常认为竞争实力是你有多少地方,有多大库存。当消费者来了,你直接给他们想要的产品的能力,或者你给他们建议。在最大的图书馆,可能有成百万的书,成万的雇员。几十亿的货品,但想想当有网络出现后将有什么变化。大公司的主要竞争者是小公司,即Andock Come.Andock Come有2500000本书。更戏剧化的是有一个较好的价钱。当有人突然拜访时,必须想到店里有什么,通过网络查询确切的库存清单在这时给我们带来很大好处,这有一个转变。必须再过3或5年才能实现。也可以通过网络卖产品,那么将涉及到如何处理分布式 换言之,也可以通过网络的帮助的竞争力,一个有时间上暂时的竞争力。
   其它的行业也有同样的  如玩具业、假日里,有多少人愿意在拥挤人群中购物。我到卖东西的地方,找到停车处,排队去买,孩子们想要的玩具,却在轮到你时,发现玩具并不在这儿,或并不适合您孩子的年龄。我们中大多数都事先知道想要什么玩具。更好地支持我们的客户,以更快的速度发展。









所有我们的客户是,但你所想的是一个小公司,拥有有限的几个雇员他们知道如何保持低平衡,因此是一个大缺陷,他们必须知道我所有的而小公司没有的,以我们公司的应用为例,所有小公司和中等公司前进时,我想转变工作方式,以及我们生活和娱乐的方式,使用一种我们从未想像过的方式,我们全家使用Internet,它被带入家庭为了事业,得到关键的信息等,这是一种以前从未想到过的方式,我的儿子,18岁,通过Internet做一群9岁的足球迷的教练,并通过Internet交流足球信息,通过Internet和父母交流,他也用它作学校作业,我的女儿,当她申请大学时,使用Internet来查询各大学的信息,如asp 成绩,教师和学生的比例,以及诸如男生和女生的比例,但现在她使用Internet和全国各处的朋友交流因为他们上了不同的大学,我的妻子学会了使用Internet界面,来查询一些室内装潢的信息,非常贵的选择,你可以想像某种信息进入你的家,我必须加倍工作来满足这种技术,我的父亲2年前,是一个“计算机盲”,73岁了,但仍利用其余生使用Internet。我利用Internet与朋友保持连系,我们一直有来往,但现在他常打电话告诉我有关竞争者的信息,用我早已知道的信息建议我如何使公司经营的更好,总之我正在通过Internet来改变我们的生活的方方面面,同时,世界上的父母都是上班族,单亲也是上班族65%的6岁以下的美国孩子,并且60%的父母喜爱“托儿所”,他们安装了照像机在各个角落,可以拍到各个地方,在Internet的浏览器中每30分钟出现一次。可以有200多个小孩,“托儿所”很受欢迎,使父母们知道有“人”在照顾孩子,还有一些??是有关祖父母的,需要再升一间“托儿所”,这些做法使事业的方式有所改变以及娱乐和学习方式,但现在我所说的革命将是下一届COMDEX所要考虑的,它将使工作更有效,因为我们所担心的事是我们的孩子和他们在做什么,我希望我能想出使用相似的技术来跟踪18或20岁的人以及他们在做什么,在座有多少人知道如何使用“shde rale”,难道是将自己的个性放在你我工作时的个人简介中吗?当然不,我同意使用shde rale











Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:32 |只看该作者
PC-Expo Keynote Address
Eckhard Pfeiffer
June 16, 1998
Thank you, and good morning.

It is always an honor and a pleasure to speak here at PC Expo.

An honor because this is the premier PC show in the industry ...

And a pleasure because it gives me an opportunity to thank all of the Compaq customers in this audience for your business.

We at Compaq know that our success comes from one source - our customers. We also know that in this highly competitive business, we must continuously earn your trust and confidence.

To that end, we are committed to provide you with innovative products like the ones you will see on display at our booth here at the Javits Center to deliver the most rewarding buying experience and to constantly improve our ability to meet your computing needs.

It is this last point that is really at the heart of what I want to talk about today - how Compaq is evolving to meet your rapidly changing needs.

I want to discuss our vision of a new world of computing our decision to acquire Digital and what the combined company will be able to do for you.

Success in our industry is a constant process of invention and re-invention.

How could it be any other way in a world that is changing so rapidly - where the market rules that seemed clear one day appear to be out of date the next?

Where product lifecycles continue to shrink from years to months and even to weeks?

Where computing has moved from the small scale of local area networks to the planetary scale of the Internet?

In this interconnected world, customer expectations have never been higher.

You expect to be able to access the information you need quickly and easily, from any place at any time using virtually any computing device.

You expect vendors to deliver more power at a lower cost and to make it easier to buy operate integrate and service their products.

You expect the information infrastructure to be reliable and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - whether you're talking about the network itself or the systems that support your on-line bank on-line bookstore or on-line grocery.

In this environment, Compaq determined that we needed to do more for our customers.

We wanted to take the attributes that had made us successful - industry standard platforms, strong partnerships, useful innovation and customer responsiveness - and apply them to the full range of computing - from the palmtop to the data center.

Compaq has developed significant enterprise strengths over the past few years. But we also needed capabilities that we could not build easily or quickly.

So earlier this year, Compaq announced its intention to acquire Digital Equipment Corporation - one of the premier suppliers of enterprise solutions and services and one of the pioneers of internetworked computing.

As most of you probably know, Compaq completed the acquisition last week after Digital shareholders voted overwhelmingly to approve the merger agreement.

This is an historic moment for Compaq as well as for our customers and the industry.

It brings together two companies with proud traditions of technology innovation and industry leadership.

With its minicomputers, DIGITAL defined the computing paradigm of the 1970s and much of the 1980s.

With its industry standard personal computers - including the first PC server - Compaq defined the computing paradigm of the 1980s and 1990s.

We now see an opportunity to set the standard for a new world of computing  

One that expands on our vision of standards-based computing . . .

One that builds on the combined strengths of Compaq, Digital, Tandem and our strategic partnersAnd one that promises you more choice, more power and more freedom than ever before.

Our goal is really very simple: to empower customers by taking computing to new levels of flexibility simplicity and efficiency.

We will do this by offering a broad portfolio of Web-enabled clients and servers global life cycle services and best-of-breed partnerships with ISVs, channel partners and technology suppliers.

We will also strengthen our customer partnerships through:

Focused, global account management, Industry-leading service and support, and, A commitment to sell the way you want to buy, whether it is through our extensive network of resellers by  phone or over the Internet.

What will differentiate Compaq from our competitors is our ability to innovate with industry standard solutions to help you achieve real value from your IT investments faster and more reliably and to respond more quickly and effectively to customer needs.

And when I talk about customers, I mean all of our customers from a family investing for the first time in a personal computer to a small or medium business that wants to sell its products on the Internet to a large global company that is implementing Windows NT across the enterprise.

The foundation for the new world of computing we envision is one that Compaq has been building and reinforcing since we introduced the first industry compatible portable computer 16 years ago - that is, standards-based computing.

I've been thinking a lot about that first Compaq product during the last few weeks.

I don't know how many of you remember it. It's nickname was the "luggable," and for a very good reason. It weighed 28 pounds - 7 to 8 times heavier than today's lightest notebook computers.

It was also about as rugged as they come.

For people whose machines would not boot-up, the tech support people had a unique solution: hold the computer about three to six inches above the floor and drop it.

Try that with your Think-pad.

Well, both Compaq and the industry have come a long way since then. In 1997, standards based platforms represented 70 percent of hardware spending worldwide. By the year 2001, that number is expected to exceed 75 percent.

Industry standards are behind two of the most important trends in computing - the emergence of Windows NT as a strategic, enterprise operating system and the expansion of the Internet into every corner of the world.

The continued enhancement of Windows NT - particularly with the upcoming release of NT 5.0 - is helping push standards-based computing higher and higher into the enterprise.

The standards that define the Internet make it possible for hundreds of millions of people to communicate, collaborate and conduct commerce on a global scale - regardless of which platforms they use.

Until now, the criticism of standards-based computing was that it could not deliver the performance, scalability and reliability of systems based on proprietary architectures.

Through our E2000 architecture, we are addressing that issue. During the next two years, Compaq will deliver high-performance, Windows NT-based systems that will support the most demanding enterprise needs.

But it is clear that the vast majority of enterprise customers will continue to have mixed environments. They will use PCs and mainframes Windows NT and UNIX and they will look to their IT partners to help them integrate these diverse computing environments.

With the acquisition of Digital and the continuing evolution of Compaq's enterprise strategy, we are expanding our vision of global, industry standards leadership to encompass every level of computing.

To us, industry standards leadership means not only providing industry standard products but also making those products work seamlessly with the rest of your IT environment.

It means providing industry standard solutions that protect customers' IT investments while enabling them to take greater advantage of standards-based platforms throughout the enterprise.

And it means having the vision and the skill to take emerging and leading edge technologies and make them standard as quickly as possible - expanding the power and the reach of industry standard platforms.

As a result, you will enjoy:

Wider choice and flexibility,
Faster return on your IT investments,
Greater agility in adapting to a dynamic world,
Increased security and confidence, and,
Uncompromising quality and value.

One of the most important ways that we are delivering these benefits is by working closely with partners to deliver comprehensive enterprise solutions.

With the acquisition of Digital, we have enhanced our ability to provide customized solutions for key markets like finance, manufacturing and communications.

But many of our customers - big and small - are looking for packaged, high-volume solutions that they can implement quickly and efficiently.

This is an area where Compaq has an opportunity to change the competitive landscape.

Let me explain.

Two strategic inflections have emerged over the last decade.

The first was standards based platforms.

The second was the replacement of custom applications with packaged applications from companies like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and others. IDC projects that 72 percent of all new enterprise applications purchased this year will be shrink-wrapped.

Today, we are approaching a new inflection point based upon tools, information and methods that will simplify implementation of industry standard applications.

In fact, I foresee a day when enterprise applications will work almost as plug-and-play modules. An information manager will take the software module plug it in to his information infrastructure and see an immediate return on the company's investment.

It may be hard to conceive of today but it's going to happen.

Compaq is turning its knowledge and expertise into repeatable, volume-based solutions that we will make available to customers through Compaq's large reseller network and dedicated websites.

Next month, for example, we will introduce an enterprise extranet that will standardize the knowledge and best practices we have collected around planning, designing, implementing and managing enterprise solutions.

This knowledge will be available to channel partners and, ultimately, customers in the form of tools and enablers that will help them plan more effectively deploy more rapidly and operate more efficiently.

Today, we are also announcing a new service for small and medium businesses called Compaq Online Services.

This global initiative is designed to meet the needs of small and medium businesses for quicker access to online sales opportunities and more efficient ways of doing business.

In partnership with industry leaders like UPS, GTE and Microsoft as well as key Internet ISV's like INEX, Visto and E-Stamp Compaq Online Services will provide instant electronic commerce solutionselectronic postage secure, real-time delivery of electronic files  and 24-hour access to back-up and restore services.

These services will be available soon through our SMB Solution Providers as well as through another innovative, Internet-based program we call Club Web.

Club Web is a community of providers that offer Internet solutions in a coordinated manner for the benefit of our customers.

Basically, it's a one-stop, on-line store stocked with products and services offered by Compaq partners.

The primary purpose of Club Web is to connect customers with providers such as Web developers Internet Service Providers and resellers who have special skills in planning, implementing and maintaining our Internet solutions.

What these examples demonstrate is the Internet's power as a tool not only to provide information but to deliver an even more valuable commodity - knowledge.

Our goal is to help customers turn information into knowledge and knowledge into a competitive advantage.

The combination of Compaq and Digital gives us a broad range of Web-based solutions for electronic commerce, Internet Service Providers, corporate Intranets and customer relationship management.

Earlier this year, Compaq introduced the industry's most flexible and comprehensive electronic business solutions.

These solutions build on our e-commerce and firewall servers as well as our key relationships with leading applications providers.

The highly scalable and reliable systems delivered by Digital and Tandem are particularly important in the 24x7 environment of Internet commerce, where downtime means lost business.

Compaq is also the leading supplier of solutions for Internet Service Providers.

Seven of the top eight ISPs have standardized on Compaq for their NT-based Web hosting services.

And Digital is #2 in the ISP market - with more than 15 percent share.

Compaq also plans to build on Digital's AltaVista franchise, which includes one of the leading search engines on the World Wide Web.

Just last week we announced a new line of consumer PCs with buttons that provide direct Internet access, including a link to AltaVista.

We believe this will help establish AltaVista as one of the most popular sites on the Web.

One of the most important synergies between Compaq and Digital - one that matters a lot to our customers - is services.

Some observers have suggested that the only reason Compaq bought Digital was to get its service organization.

That was not the only reason, but it is true that service is a significant part of the value equation.

Customers have told us over the past few years that they want to deal with fewer vendors, and they want those vendors to be more accountable for the products and solutions they provide.

After all, when you implement a complex enterprise solution, you want the assurance that you will have the support you need to get it done quickly and efficiently.

With the acquisition of Digital, we now have one of the premier service organizations in the world working even more closely with our customers and partners.

The combined company has more than 5,000 IT architects to guide customer implementations as well as 3,000 UNIX engineers and 700 NetWare certified engineers deployed around the world.

Overall, we have more than 25,000 service professionals who can deliver support and availability services systems integration and operations management in more than 100 countries.

And we have a worldwide network of channel partners with whom we are working to jointly implement integrated, multivendor lifecycle solutions.

Our goals are to lower customers' total cost of ownership and reduce risk by offering service solutions which incorporate industry standards and by driving innovation in service creation, tools and delivery.

We will also help you achieve your business objectives more rapidly, more cost effectively and with greater predictability.

Building strong customers relationships also means giving you maximum flexibility in doing business with Compaq - how you want where you want and when you want.

With the acquisition of Digital, we now have a world-class team of 10,000 sales and marketing professionals worldwide who work directly with our large customers.

We also have the largest network of channel partners in the industry, who offer value-added expertise and solutions.

In addition, Compaq has fundamentally changed its core business model so that we can meet - and exceed - your expectations.

These changes include new manufacturing methods an optimized supply chain and reduced channel inventories.

Why is this important to you?

Because it enables us to meet our objective of doing business more efficiently and that means lower product prices and improved product availability.

Last week, for example, we announced a new program called Compaq Built for You in partnership with leading retail chains like CompUSA Office Depot and Computer City. v This program allows customers to self-configure a selected group of Compaq PCs in the store. Once the customer has configured the system he wants, the he pays the retailer. All orders are then custom manufactured by Compaq and shipped either directly to the customer or to the retailer. It's your  choice.

As of today, Compaq Built For You is available in about 100 stores. By the end of August, we will be up in 2,000 stores. And by Christmas we will be configuring customers' computers in 4,000 stores across the country.

We are also enhancing the ability of customers to purchase products over the Internet, both from Compaq and our worldwide network of retailers.

In fact, Compaq and its resellers today sell more than $6 million dollars a day over the Internet - and that is more than Dell.

We are proving that Compaq can bring together the widest array of products and services combined with the extensive capabilities of our resellers to offer you the best value in the industry.

How you buy is important but what you buy is just as critical.

With the acquisition of Digital, Compaq has one of the broadest product portfolios in the industry - from handheld PCs to the most powerful enterprise servers.

Since this is PC Expo, let me start with PCs.

Now that we have completed the acquisition of Digital, we will merge the two companies' PC product lines. This will give Compaq the most extensive and competitive line of desktop and networked PCs in the industry.

According to first quarter numbers from International Data Corporation, Compaq remains the #1 desktop PC company in the world. I am particularly pleased that Compaq regained the #1 position in portable PCs in North America - in both the commercial and consumer segments.

What that should tell you is that we are determined to maintain our position as the number one PC company worldwide. And we will do it by continuing to offer standards-based, innovative and easily managed desktops and portables that integrate seamlessly into your enterprise environment.

To those in the audience who are Digital customers, I want to assure you that we are not taking your business for granted. We intend to earn your trust and confidence.

Although we will move the Digital PC line to Compaq-branded products, we will do so over a period of time that allows you to make the transition at your own pace.

I believe our customers will be well-served by this combination.

Our desktop businesses are very compatible. Both companies lead the industry in reducing cost of ownership by providing the best managed PCs. We lead the Windows NT market for desktops. And Compaq is Microsoft's only lead partner for the early deployment of Windows NT 5.0 in corporate environments.

That leads me to my next point - our commitment to Windows NT.

As I said earlier, Windows NT is one of the most important trends in industry standard computing. And Compaq is committed to advance Windows NT as an enterprise operating system.

This is another instance where Compaq and Digital have tremendous synergies. We can now deliver the widest range of Windows NT systems and solutions in the industry - from portable computers to Digital's high-end AlphaServer systems.

Our strong partnership with Microsoft as well as our own experience deploying Windows NT throughout Compaq puts us in the best position to help customers implement NT solutions.

Through advanced technologies like clustering and ServerNet - the system area network developed by Tandem - Compaq is also improving NT's performance, reliability and scalability.

Compaq already owns the performance benchmark for Windows NT systems with more than 27,000 transactions per minute.

By the year 2000, we expect to deliver clustered NT systems that deliver 500,000 transactions per minute.

Through Digital's AllConnect and Affinity programs and Tandem's "Best of Both Worlds" program Compaq also offers industry leading NT inoperability with Digital UNIX, OpenVMS and NSK.

This will help protect your IT investments while enabling you to take greater advantage of industry standard technology.

Finally, Compaq's new services organization has more than 2,000 Microsoft certified engineers around the globe to help customers deploy Windows NT-based solutions for the enterprise.

One question I often get from customers is about Compaq's commitment to Digital's 64-bit architecture, including Alpha, Digital UNIX and OpenVMS.

The answer is easy. Compaq will continue to invest in this high-performance, 64-bit platform because it represents the future of computing.

Alpha gives Compaq a leadership, 64-bit architecture at least two-years ahead of Merced - which, I should add, will also be an integral part of our product portfolio.

We see Alpha as an extension of Compaq's current product line and as a strategic platform for power-hungry applications like data warehousing, high-performance technical computing and Internet commerce.

We also see an opportunity to establish Alpha as an open industry standard, building on Digital's licensing agreements with Intel and Samsung and its proposed agreement with AMD.

I think it is important to note that Microsoft is using Alpha as the development platform for 64-bit Windows NT.

We also see significant opportunities to deliver customer value with Digital UNIX, which is widely regarded as the leader in 64-bit UNIX. It is also the most Windows NT-friendly UNIX on the market.

Digital has attracted several partners to help develop Digital UNIX for Merced. This gives us an opportunity to establish Digital UNIX as the standard for 64-bit UNIX on Alpha today and on Alpha and Merced in the future.

In addition, we will continue to partner with SCO to offer UNIXWARE to the 32-bit Intel volume market I also want to reassure customers who rely on Digital's OpenVMS operating system as well as on Tandem's NonStop Kernel that we will continue to support and enhance these products.

They are important to us because they are important to our customers, who depend on them for the most demanding, business-critical computing.

But we also plan to exploit the technologies behind these operating systems to provide greater reliability and scalability in our industry standard platforms.

I have covered a lot of ground today, so let me conclude by summarizing our vision for the new world of computing.

First, we believe that this new world will be built on open, industry-standard technology. Anywhere there is standards-based computing, Compaq wants to be the driver -- whether it's in your home your business or your car.

Second, we will build on our leadership in business-critical computing. This will enable us to accelerate both new and existing technologies into industry standard platforms and to deliver even more scalable and reliable systems.

Third, we will lead in delivering global service and support. This will give our customers a single point of accountability as well as a lower total cost of ownership and reduced risk.

Fourth, we will focus on solutions that build on ourleadership in enterprise platforms our expertise in key markets our service capabilities and our partnerships with industry-leading companies.

And finally, we will build even stronger relationships with you, our customers. I hope you will look at Compaq not only as a computing company, but as a strategic partner whose mission is to give you what you need when you need it and how you want it, at the lowest total cost.

Welcome to the new world of computing.

Thank you.








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:32 |只看该作者





































在此当我提到"客户"这个词时,我所指的是康柏的所有客户,这些客户包括那些第一次购买个人电脑的家庭客户,也包括那些希望在Internet上销售产品的中小型企业,还包括那些在整个企业内部采用Windows NT建立网络的大型国际公司。








计算领域最重要的两个趋势推动了工业标准的发展:其一即是Windows NT逐渐成为一种战略性的企业操作系统,其二即Internet已迅速扩展至全球的每个角落。

Windows NT功能的不断增强,尤其是即将推出的Windows NT5.0版,将极大地推动标准计算更加深入企业。



我们正在使用E2000体系结构来解决这个问题。在今后两年内,康柏将推出高性能、基于Windows NT的系统,该系统将支持最苛刻的企业需求。

很显然绝大多数企业客户将继续使用混合的环境。他们将既使用个人电脑,也使用大型机、既运行Windows NT,也运行UNIX。他们将依靠他们的信息技术合作伙伴帮助他们对这种多样化的计算环境进行无缝地集成。














































合并后的公司拥有遍布全球的5,000多名信息技术集成人员、3,000多名UNIX工程师,以及700多名经Net Ware认证的工程师,可以指导客户实施各种解决方案。












例如,就在上星期,我们与包括Comp USA、Office Depot、Computer City在内的一些主要零售连锁店联合推出了一个称为“Compaq Built for You”的新活动,该活动允许客户在商场内对选定的康柏电脑自行配置。客户可以在配置完电脑之后,再付款给商场。所有的定单均由康柏定制生产,然后直接运给客户,或者发送给分销商。这完全取决于您的选择。

到今天为止,“Compaq Built For You”活动已在大约100个商场中全面展开。到八月底,将有2,000个商场加入该活动。到圣诞节,客户将可以在全国4,000多家商场中配置自己的计算机。













我们的台式机业务实际上是彼此兼容的。两家公司均通过提供可管理性最强的电脑来降低客户的总体拥有成本,我们在这一领域都在领导着业界发展的潮流。康柏在台式机的Windows NT市场上占据领先地位。而且康柏是Microsoft在企业环境中率先采用Windows NT5.0版的唯一主要合作伙伴。

这将把我们带入我的下一个话题,这就是康柏对于Windows NT的承诺。

正如以上我所谈到的,Windows NT是工业标准计算领域中最重要的发展趋势之一。康柏有决心使Windows NT成为企业级操作系统。

这一点更有力地证明了康柏与DEC的共同点。现在我们可以向业界提供最广泛的Windows NT系统和解决方案,从便携式电脑到DEC的高端AlphaServer系统。

康柏与Microsoft公司的密切合作关系,连同我们在康柏内部采用Windows NT的丰富经验,使得我们更有能力帮助客户实施NT解决方案。

通过诸如集群和Server Net(由天腾公司开发的系统域网络)的先进技术,康柏现在正在不断改进NT的性能、可靠性和可伸缩性。

康柏创造了Windows NT系统最佳的性能表现--每分钟处理27,000次交易。


通过DEC公司的“All Connectand Affinity”程序以及天腾公司的“Best of Both Worlds”程序,康柏还将提供业界领先的NT与Digital UNIX、Open VMS和NSK的互操作性。


最后一点要说的是,康柏新建立的服务机构在全球拥有2,000多位经Microsoft公司认证的工程师,他们可以帮助客户为企业实施基于Windows NT的解决方案。

客户经常问我这样一个问题,康柏对包括Alpha、Digital UNIX和Open VMS在内的Digital 64位体系结构有什么样的发展计划。





Microsoft公司正将Alpha做为其64位Windows NT的开发平台,我认为这是非常重要的。

我们也看到了一个大好的机会,即可以通过Digital UNIX向客户提供更高的价值,业界广泛认为Digital UNIX是64位UNIX的佼佼者,同时也是现在市场上能够与Windows NT最友好集成的UNIX系统。

DEC公司吸引了若干合作伙伴来帮助其为Merced开发Digital UNIX。这使我们有机会使Digital UNIX成为当今Alpha 64位UNIX的标准,并成为未来Alpha和Merced的标准。

此外,我们将继续与SCO公司合作,向32位英特尔批量市场提供UNIX WARE。

在这里,我还想告诉那些使用Digital Open VMS操作系统和天腾公司Non Stop Kernel的客户,我们将继续支持并改进这些产品。


















Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:33 |只看该作者
Good morning, and let me join my HP colleagues and welcome you to HP MegaForum. One of the greatest challenges facing Chinese industry, government and education is to fully capitalize on the benefits of the Electronic World, the topic of my address this morning.  We are applying the Packard spirit of respect-filled cooperation in working with China to help build China's Electronic World.  Later today Mayor Xu and I will witness the signing of a cooperation agreement between China HP and the Shanghai Infoport to create a lab to develop E-Commerce solutions. For many years now, HP has been working towards a world of pervasive information technology that will characterize the 21st century.  We call it the Electronic World, and it has four different ingredients.First, there's the Extended Enterprise infrastructure.  This foundation of networked systems is based on distributed computing and the Internet.  And it allows businesses and people to extend their reach across the boundaries of time and space. Second, there's the sphere of Electronic Business.  People are bringing their business processes to “the Net.”And they are using the Net to create entirely new businesses.  It's very exciting, and it's happening very fast.But that's not the whole story.  There's another sphere developing that most mainstream computer suppliers are paying little attention to, and that's the e-consumer.  This world has its own set of technology platforms, information services, operating systems, e-mail applications, etc. Then there is the world of E-commerce, the electronic payment of goods and services.  How people exchange value is being redefined, with virtual banks and smart cards and some exciting new devices I'll describe later in these remarks. This is the 21st-century electronic world.  And HP is in all spheres of it.  Today I want to describe how we are working to build this world. First, we're working to build the foundation —— the necessary technology infrastructure based on distributed computing and the Internet.  The environment must be robust, highly available, manageable, and secure. Today I'll discuss the three critical ingredients you see listed here - our systems strategy, the software we offer for making the infrastructure robust and secure, and the services and support we provide.Whenever I begin a discussion of our systems strategy, I use this visual to make a simple point.  Customers have a wide range of needs. One size doesn't fit all.  And that means that one operating system doesn't fit all.  And so we at HP have embraced two —— Unix and NT. We think this approach is well aligned with the needs of customers like the Xiamen Post and Telecommunication Authority.The comprehensive solution we implemented for its Internet Service Provider required both UNIX and NT systems, and our ability to manage and support both environments was critical to the success of the project.Furthermore, we've been working very hard to build bridges between these two worlds.  In fact, HP has been the only company with an explicit strategy of bringing these two worlds together. We're working on all levels shown here.  We don't have time to go into detail on each, but let me give you some examples in each area.In the area of services and support, HP now provides consulting services in Windows 95, NT and Desktop Exchange.  We've created a joint Enterprise Solution Center with Microsoft.  And we at HP have created a strong support offering for NT. We're collaborating in the area of high availability. I'll have more to say about that later, when I talk about our PC strategy.In the area of security, Microsoft has endorsed Ver Secure, the cryptography technology developed by HP that the United States government has just approved for export. HP OpenView is the only management platform that is certified for Microsoft BackOffice, and parts of OpenView are being bundled with the next release of Microsoft's Systems Management Server.In the area of messaging, HP is working with Microsoft on interoperability between HP OpenMail —— our messaging backbone product —— and Microsoft Exchange.And finally, we're working on customer-specific solutions in our Enterprise Solution Center, and we're collaborating on platforms geared to the particular needs of the telecom industry and small businesses. In 1997, HP helped to develop with the long distance service of China Telecom a network management system using HP OpenView which links over 400 switches across China.  This key connection between China and the rest of the world is powered by HP 9000 servers and workstations. So... we have a firm commitment to integrating the Unix and NT environments... and lots of development efforts and results to show we're serious.

With that caveat, I'd like to talk in more detail about our Unix systems and our PCs separately, and how we are working to provide the performance customers require for their Extended Enterprise infrastructure. HP has a depth of expertise in Unix.  We continue to be the number one commercial Unix server vendor, as measured by revenue, and we continue to gain market share. When you add in the disk drives, consulting, support, and all the things wrapped around our Unix servers, they represent a $10 billion business for HP in terms of annual revenue. So our commitment to the business is strong. One of the reasons our Unix systems are ideally suited to power the Extended Enterprise is our ability to guarantee 99.95 percent up time. We're the only company in the industry that can make that guarantee.Delivering 99.95-percent uptime translates to just four hours of unplanned downtime a year.  The next best offer in the industry —— 99.5 percent of time —— equals 44 hours of unplanned downtime a year.In the past year, we have accelerated our product-development efforts.  The result is a Unix roadmap that we believe will keep us in a clear position of leadership.The V2250 systems we introduced earlier this month are based on our new, 240 MHz PA-RISC processor. They are the world's fastest single-processor Unix servers —— ideally suited for mission-critical and technical applications. We expect to double high-end single-system performance each year.  That means that today's high-end of a V-Class system will be the midrange of our family by the year 2000.Furthermore, we plan to take today's 99.95 percent availability guarantee and push that up to 99.999 - 5 minutes of unplanned downtime per year —— by the year 2000.We call this our “5nines:5minutes”vision, and we have succeeded in getting two powerful industry leaders —— Cisco and Oracle —— to embrace this vision and work with us to achieve it.Let me turn now to our other systems business —— PCs.  HP has come from virtually nowhere to become a major player —— No. 3  in the world, according to IDC at the end of FY 97.This growth has been fueled by product contributions.  Last year, HP earned more than 50 awards for new products introduced in the PC arena. We've been stressing the three major areas you see here.First, manageability.We believe that we can help customers reduce the total life cycle cost of PCs by about half.  Notice I said costs, not just purchase price. We have developed a powerful management package called TopTools, and it allows IT administrators to gather 350 key items of information about the PC and to manage the PCs remotely.This information feeds into HP OpenView's Desktop Administrator to deliver the most comprehensive desktop-management solution on the market.HP PCs, NetServers and desktop management system were recently employed by the Government of China in a prototype project which hooks up the Sichuan Province Economic Information System to the National Information Center. Second, availability.We are working with Microsoft to deliver high availability on NT servers.  We were the first in the industry to ship Microsoft Cluster Server, which provides shared storage between two computing nodes and automatically restarts an application on another node if one fails.We have integrated into the solution some technology brought over from the Unix side of the house, called Cluster View, which makes it possible to monitor multiple Microsoft Cluster Servers. This is another one of the benefits customers receive from HP's strong support for both Unix and NT.  We are able to leverage strengths across these two environments.Finally, performance. Our 8-way,  NT-based server is powered by eight 200 MHz processors, each with 1 MB of cache memory.  This allows the system to support 14,000 Microsoft Exchange users and 1600 SAP Sales & Distribution users.  This is truly enterprise-class performance.Intel and Hewlett-Packard have jointly defined a new architecture technology called EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing).  The name signals the ability of the software to extract maximum parallelism —— that is, a potential to do work in parallel —— in the original code and “explicitly”describe it to the hardware.This architecture goes beyond the limitations of current architectures and is ideal for the advanced, multimedia applications of the future.It will enable both Unix and NT to run on the same hardware platform.The architecture provides excellent investment protection for customers running applications on current Intel-based and PA-RISC systems. Customers can run their current applications unchanged on these new systems, achieving somewhere between 60-80 percent of the architecture's peak performance by just recompiling their applications.Our transition strategy is very customer-friendly.  Customers can choose when they migrate, and their applications can coexist on both the old and new architectures.We believe we're years ahead of the competition in thinking about this transition.  We are working closely with all the major independent software vendors —— industry leaders such as Oracle and Informix, SAP and PeopleSoft —— to make sure their products are optimized for the new architecture by the time it is launched.Finally, we are quite clear about our intention to make this architecture an industry standard.  That means there must be a level playing field for our competitors in terms of access to this new architecture.  So we're delighted to see strong competitors like Compaq endorse it.We are confident that we can still differentiate HP products above and beyond the microprocessor level.  We have lots of expertise in systems-level architectures, high-availability and reliability, advanced compiler technology, powerful middleware and networking capabilities.And we will complete the value proposition with our worldwide service and support capabilities, strong partnerships with solution providers and diverse distribution channels. So differentiating in the new era will be “business as usual” for HP.

I've spoken about our systems strategy for powering the Extended Enterprise.  Now I'll move onto some important software products.HP OpenView is an industry-leading software product that is aimed at helping customers manage their Extended Enterprise —— including systems, network, applications, databases, and the Internet. In terms of market share, it is the number one platform for managing distributed environments, and both VAR Business and Information Weak magazines rated it as the best product in its category in 1997.This past year, we made major investments to strengthen HP OpenView in three key areas.The first - the acquisition of a company called PROLIN - was aimed at what we're calling service-level management.  We want to provide IT administrators with the tools and processes that allow them to contract with their business users for an agreed-upon service level  —— in terms of things like systems response time and availability.PROLIN's suite of software modules report into HP OpenView to physically monitor whether or not IT has met the service-level agreement they made with their business customers and, if not, where the problem lies. We also consult with customers to help them make the process-level changes required to achieve their desired service levels, including operational assessment, planning, design, implementation and training.HP has long been a leader in managing the thousands of PCs that are distributed on our customers' desktops.  More than 100 customers use our software products and services to manage their desktop systems, and many of them subcontract that management to us.This year we strengthened our position by acquiring the networking business unit of a company called Symantec.  This provided HP OpenView with new capabilities for software distribution, inventory, configuration, trouble-shooting, licensing for desktop systems... as well as real-time server management for Windows NT.This allows us to offer a single-vendor management solution that combines hardware, software management and services. A third investment last year was aimed at helping customers manage NT-based systems.  We evaluated a variety of different approaches to this challenge.  A small company called NewView had the best product available —— something called  ManageX - and we acquired this company late last year.We think ManageX is the best for a couple of reasons. First, it' s very scalable —— able to handle everything from the workgroup to a full enterprise.  We think that's very important, because we see many customers starting out by deploying NT in a workgroup area...and then more broadly across their enterprise.  So it's critical to have a tool that can grow.Second, ManageX is based on all of Microsoft's technologies.  That's really critical if you want to have a leading product in the NT environment.  Most of OpenView's competitors today are trying to take software that was developed for managing mainframes or Unix... and then retrofitting it to NT.  That's no trivial task.We have a few other IT-infrastructure software products that I'd like to discuss today, but in somewhat less depth than HP OpenView.HP OpenMail provides the backbone for messaging in a mission-critical, high-availability environment.Most people think of messaging as just sending or receiving electronic mail.  If it goes down, that's just inconvenient. But as people are taking their business processes to the Net, the messaging backbone becomes critical.  This is the role HP OpenMail plays. Finally, on the right there, you see a couple of HP software products whose role is to make the infrastructure secure.  Virtual Vault provides secure Internet access to core business functions and data.  It has been used successfully worldwide by the banking industry. VerSecure is a comprehensive encryption solution that has just received U.S. government approval for export —— the first strong encryption technology to achieve that status.MICROSOFT, IBM, Motorola and SAP have already endorsed this approach.Let me say a few words about our service and support capability, because it is key to enabling customers to build and manage an Extended Enterprise infrastructure.The goal of our Professional Services Organization is to help customers implement new technologies quickly, to transfer knowledge to their IT staff, and —— through selective outsourcing —— to provide them with some flexibility in terms of their staffing levels.In the past three years, HP's systems integration and consulting service has shown tremendous growth.  It has become a vital ingredient in the formula for our success with our Chinese customers and partners. You see our areas of expertise listed here.  The first three are aligned with the software products I just discussed, and I'll talk about the last two when I describe our E-business solutions.  So that leaves extended ERP —— enterprise resource planning —— as the only thing to comment on for this list of services. HP has a depth of expertise in helping customers implement applications like SAP. We've done more than 70 installations worldwide, and we have the most comprehensive SAP R/3 services and support offering in the industry.Last year we introduced what we call Rapid R/3, which is a fixed-price contract with an accelerated implementation schedule of between four and six months.  We completed a dozen such installations last year.By the way, we have the industry's only high-availability offering customized for SAP R/3, and we have closely integrated HP-SAP support processes.In terms of support, I would call your attention to two items listed here.  The first is our high-availability support offering, which provides a continuum of support offerings that span needs ranging from a departmental print server to an online reservation system that must be continuously available.It's also worth noting that we are the only supplier that is certified to support Unix, Microsoft, Cisco,  Netscape on a worldwide basis.Our financing Organization provides a simple, single point of contact for financing, leasing and re-marketing products.  It also offers innovative “technology refresh” programs that will automatically upgrade a customer's assets and dispose of the obsolete technology.And HP's commitment to be the best customer service organization in China has been a key differentiator and ingredient to ongoing development of our relationships. Our customer service unit was the first to receive ISO 9002 certification in China for total quality.  To this day, none of our competitors has yet succeeded in achieving this distinction. We are also committed to bring our proactive consulting services to our customers, opening one new customer support center every two to three  months throughout China —— most recently in Zhengzhou and Tianjin. Next week we will open our sixth full branch office in Shenzhen.  And we'll open branches in Wuhan and Nanjing in mid-year, which will combine sales with customer support services. In the fall we will add a major call center with  more than 150 staff, which will be opened as part of our new China HP Headquarters Office in Beijing.In total we will have more than 10 branches throughout China by the year 2000 offering both sales and support services —— plus several other offices dedicated only to support services.

I've spent the bulk of my time talking about how HP is helping customers build and manage their Extended Enterprise infrastructure.  And it's probably appropriate that this discussion has taken most of my time, because that's the foundation upon which everything else is built.On top of that, we have added some fascinating electronic-business solutions that help customers use the Internet to re-engineer their business processes —— or to create entirely new ways of doing business. For example, the China Goods Order System (CGOS) is the first country-wide comprehensive and multifunctional commodity ordering system in China, which is approved by the State Planning Commission and will be managed by the  Internal Trade Bureau.The aim for setting up this system is to build up a computerized commodity wholesale market in China, which can provide commodity trade information, offer transaction service and quicken wholesale procedure.The significance of the system's operation lies in introducing  an advanced “network shopping”concept in China's commodity trade business.Let me comment briefly on the three solutions you see listed here.Our E-Business software is based on breakthrough technology from HP —— something we call the HP Changengine.  It was developed in HP Labs,  ...  has good patent protection,  ... and has been used extensively within HP to automate key business processes.The customer need we're addressing is this: Quite simply, businesses can't change their applications fast enough to keep up with the speed at which they want to change their business processes. The HP Changengine technology makes it possible to pull the process logic outside of the application. This allows customers to change the business logic without changing the application —— thus dramatically speeding up how rapidly they can re-engineer their business processes.We have already introduced two software solutions based on this technology.HP AdminFlow is a software product that automates internal administrative processes.  Examples include IT service request automation, automation of travel and expense reporting, and human resource management automation.  Sumitomo Life Insurance has used this solution to change hundreds of processes quickly, as they prepare for industry deregulation.HP SmartContact is the integration technology that manages multiple customer contact channels - such as telephony, the Internet, fax, and electronic mail.  Blue Cross of California, a major health-insurance provider,  has used this approach to create an integrated “virtual”call center that has greatly improved the productivity of their customer-service representatives  the satisfaction of their customers. We also have plans to offer a supply-chain solution based on HP Changengine. HP imaging technology is going to play a major role in E-business —— making possible applications like electronic catalogs, remote medical diagnostics and insurance-claim processing, to name just a few.To give you a glimpse of the role imaging will play, let me describe what we're doing with Liz Claiborne, the very popular designer of women's clothing.We're working together to create a “virtual showroom”that will show the latest fashions.  It will allow early viewing and on-line purchasing. This approach will provide Liz Claiborne with a new channel to reach potential buyers —— especially those in medium and small-sized firms that are reluctant to incur the expense of a trip to the designer's showrooms in New York City. With the movement of almost all information to digital form —— and the universal connectivity provided by the Internet —— information can be distributed in electronic form, to be printed locally when needed. This has tremendous appeal. For example, Boeing keeps the 100,000 pages of its repair manual on a corporate web site. Repair technicians print only the pages they need to do a particular procedure. That way Boeing can be sure that the procedures are always up-to-date.  And the technicians save a lot of time finding the relevant information, because they can do an on-line search for the information they need.Here's a fascinating example of distributed printing.  It  suggests an interesting future for the publishing industry.The Inter-City Express is a major European commuter line for business travelers.  The trains receive the news twice daily via satellite.  They take that satellite feed and use it to produce their own newspaper, targeted for their particular customers.  The news is printed on an HP LaserJet printer.Unlike some of our competitors, HP has built a thriving consumer business.   We have many products aimed at home users and small businesses, and we've developed the supply chain efficiency and support capabilities to serve mass markets.We've also been working hard to establish a higher profile in this arena. We've recently launched a branding campaign with  the theme of “expanding possibilities.”It captures the notion of how we are making entirely new things possible.  Let me show some examples.I'll start at the top-left quarter of this visual and move around clockwise.First, we're making it possible for people to access or capture information —— and even money —— in entirely new ways.A PC connected to the Internet is providing people with access to a whole new world of information.Our scanners are making it possible for people to capture information that has been only in paper form, and to transform that information into digital form where it can be sent over the network.And VeriFone's personal automated teller machines enable people to pull money out of their bank accounts and translate it into the form of “stored value”on their smart cards, which they can use just like cash. Second, we're also creating entirely new possibilities for creating and manipulating information.  With our home photography systems, for example, people can edit their own photographs —— perhaps deleting someone they don't want in the photograph —— and create their own family newsletters, calendars or greeting cards.Third, our network-ready PCs enable people to transmit information to friends around the world —— or to share it with people they don't even know by posting it on a Web site.And, of course, we're providing the capabilities to print and duplicate that information.  In fact, our all-in-one products do more than that.  They print.  They scan.  They copy.  They send and receive information via fax.This is just what the home user or small-business requires, because they don't have room for lots of different pieces of equipment.An E-Commerce competency is becoming a critical success factor for financial institutions around the world.  HP has been working closely with Chinese financial institutions for several years to pioneer best E-Commerce practices in China.  Let me highlight some of HP's contributions in this area. In 1995 we began to work with the China Construction Bank to develop a fund clearing system run on HP's UNIX platform. Today, HP's servers, PCs and support services are used throughout the bank's 44 branches across the country, helping to reduce typical transaction clearance times from up to 10 days to now less than 24 hours.This month, we are launching a trial solution with the Bank of China to enable their corporate customers to perform their standard banking transactions on-line.  This marks a first for China.HP's VirtualVault solution was chosen over other solutions for its superior security and reliability, as well as service support. HP, together with our VeriFone subsidiary, is continuing to work with Bank of China to build on this platform, so that by the end of the year a full range of E-Commerce services will be available on line, again marking a first for China.I will leave it to my colleague from the Bank of China who will speak to you later today to tell you more about this exciting cooperation between HP and the Bank of China.Let me say a few words about VeriFone's capabilities.They started by providing solutions in the physical world with equipment such as payment terminals.  The company then moved to become an early adopter of client/server computing, developing its solution on HP 9000 servers. As the Internet has grown in robustness, VeriFone has duplicated its capabilities in the physical world with products for the “virtual” world. v.WALLET is a PC-based payment utility that is embedded in Netscape and Microsoft browsers to allow consumers to make payments using credit cards.v.POS —— which stands for Virtual Point Of Sale —— is software that sits on the merchant's server and provides the tools for accepting secure Internet credit card transactions for a virtual store.  These include real-time, on-line authorization, settlement, and other payment management functions. v.GATE is Internet gateway software that resides at the financial institution, where it manages transactions from multiple merchant Web servers.Finally, integrating these three worlds, we have created the Integrated Payment System, which is an open, client/server-based platform that enables the processing of all these forms of payment. So electronic commerce is coming of age, and it's happening quickly.  With the combination of HP's and VeriFone's capabilities, we are driving this change.

So this is the Electronic World HP is helping customers build.We want to help you build and manage the IT infrastructure that allows you to extend your reach into new opportunities.We want to help you move your business processes to the Net quickly —— and to use it to create entirely new ways of doing business.We want to serve the needs of people who are working at home —— and even those who want to use technology for fun.And we want to help transform commerce by making the Internet a secure and efficient way of moving money.We are working to deliver value to customers in each of these arenas.  But I also think it's important that we are operating in ALL four arenas. Because with the coming of the networked world, the boundaries between these different arenas are becoming blurred, and we can help you navigate this sea of change.Beyond our strong portfolio of hardware, software and support services, HP is committed to building the Electronic World through hosting special events that raise awareness and build the capabilities of our customers, channel partners and colleagues in government and academia. HP MegaForum is one example. This year's HP MegaForum will tour six major centers in China, starting with this opening event in Shanghai.  In total there will be  more than 30,000 participants in HP MegaForum in 1998, taking part in seminars on a wide range of topics, product demonstrations and trade shows.  To my knowledge, an IT event of this scale and comprehensiveness represents a first both for China, and for HP.China HP also hosts another important IT event each year aimed for end-users called HP Electronic World. This year, it will be held in July in Beijing and will also focus on E-Commerce.  We expect to welcome more than 40 vendors, and 10,000 visitors, with over 100 seminars on the full range of issues facing the IT industry in making E-Commerce a reality in China and around the world.This year at HP Electronic World, we plan one more first for China, and that is to link via videoconference audiences in Beijing, Taipei and Hong Kong in a common forum to discuss cooperation in Building Together our Electronic World.  I suspect that David Packard would have been particularly honored to speak to this Chinese audience.  We are certainly honored to have the chance to be part of it.The Electronic World represents a whole new way of doing business.  I urge you to embrace it and use it to make your organization more successful than it has ever been.








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:33 |只看该作者
早上好,请允许我和惠普的同仁们一起,欢迎诸位 。目前,中国工业界,政府和教育部门面临的最大挑战是,充分地利用电子化世界带来的益处。这就是我今天早上要谈的话题。在中国,我们本着精诚合作的惠普精神,协助你们构建中国的电子化世界。今天晚些时候,我和徐市长将出席惠普 (中国) 公司和上海信息港合作协议的签字仪式。根据协议,双方将建立一个实验室,共同开发电子商务解决方案。多年来,惠普公司孜孜不倦地为建立信息技术无所不在的21世纪而奋斗。我们称其为电子化世界,它具有四个不同的部分。首先是扩展型企业基础结构。这一网络化系统基于分布式计算和因特网。它可以使企业和个人的扩展跨越时空的界限。其次是电子业务。人们在网上处理业务,而且利用网络开创崭新的业务。这一业务令人兴奋不已,且发展迅猛。但这只是其中的一部分。目前还有一个发展趋势为大多数主流计算机供应商所忽视,这就是电子消费。这一领域自有其技术平台,信息服务,操作系统,电子邮件应用程序等。此外还有电子商务,以电子方式支付货物和服务。人们交换价值的方式须重新界定,虚拟银行,智能卡,以及许许多多令人激动的新设备。稍后,我将谈及这些。这就是21世纪的电子化世界。惠普的业务涵盖了所有这些方面。今天,我想谈一谈我们是如何建立这一世界的。首先,我们致力于建立基础 ——基于分布式计算和因特网的技术基础结构。其环境必须是强健的,高度可用的,易于管理的以及安全的。今天我要谈的是下面所列的三个关键部分 ——我们的系统战略,我们使基础结构强健和安全所用的软件,以及我们提供的服务和支持。每当我谈及系统战略,我总是利用这一图象来说明问题。客户的需求是多种多样的。一种尺寸难以适应不同的需求。就是说一种操作系统无法满足所有的要求。于是我们双管齐下——UNIX和NT。我们认为,这一方式最适合客户的不同需求,例如厦门邮电局。我们为其因特网服务供应商提供的综合性解决方案既需要UNIX,也需要NT系统,而我们可以管理和支持这两个环境,这是该项目取得成功的关键。此外,我们一直努力在这两者之间架起一座桥梁。实际上,惠普是唯一一家制订了明确的战略,将这两个世界融为一体的公司。诸位可以看到,我们致力于所有这些层面。因时间的关系,我们无法面面俱到,但我可以举例说明每一领域。  关于服务和支持,惠普现提供有关Windows 95,NT和Desktop Exchange方面的咨询。我们与微软公司共同建立了一个企业解决方案中心。而惠普公司为NT提供强有力的支持。我们在高度可用性方面进行合作。稍后等我谈到PC战略时将对此详加论述。谈到安全问题,微软公司已表示支持惠普公司开发的安全加密技术VerSecure,这一技术最近刚获得美国政府的允许可以出口。 HP OpenView是目前唯一针对Microsoft BackOffice开发的管理平台, OpenView的一部分正与微软的系统管理服务器捆绑在一起,拟在近期推出。  在消息接发方面,目前惠普正与微软研发HP OpenMail ——我们的消息接发主干产品——与Microsoft Exchange之间的互用性。最后,我们的企业解决方案中心正在研制以客户为主的解决方案,我们的协作侧重电信业和小型企业需要的各类平台。1997年,中国邮电电信总局长途电话网三期网管工程采用HP OpenView 作为网管平台,对遍布中国的400多台长途交换机加强监测与控制。这一将中国和世界各地连在一起的系统是由HP 9000服务器和工作站驱动的。因此,我们承诺可确保UNIX和NT环境的结合,我们的一系列开发努力和成果表明我们是认真的。

  做了这番解释后,我打算分别详细的谈一谈我们的UNIX系统和PC机,以及我们如何提供客户需要的扩展型企业基础结构性能。惠普在UNIX方面具有精深的专门知识。根据我们的总收入,目前我们仍是最大的商用UNIX服务器供应商,我们的市场份额仍在增加。如果加上磁盘驱动器,咨询,技术支持以及与UNIX服务器相关的所有事项,惠普的年收入高达100亿美元。所以,我们对业界的承诺是认真的。我们UNIX的系统之所以特别适合扩展型企业,原因之一是我们能确保99.95%的开机率。我们是业界唯一可做此保证的公司。可用时间多达99.95%,意味着一年的意外停机时间仅为四个小时。而仅次于我们的最佳开机率为99.5%  ——每年的意外停机时间为44小时。  去年,我们加大了产品开发的力度。其结果使我们明显地处于领先的地位。本月早些时候我们推出的V2250系统基于新型的240 MHz PA-RISC处理器。它们是目前世界上最快的单处理器UNIX服务器——最适合关键业务和技术应用程序。我们希望,每年都能将高端单一系统的性能翻一番。这意味着,到2000年,今天的V系统系统高端将成为我们系列中的中档产品。其次,我们计划,到2000年,将现在的99.95%的开机率提高到99.999% —— 达到每年以外停机仅有五分钟。我们称其为 '五个9: 五分钟' 版本,我们已与业界两个颇具实力的领先者—— Cisco和Oracle ——达成共识,为实现这一目标而共同奋斗。接下来我要谈谈我们其他的系统业务——PC机。事实上,惠普是白手起家,发展成为主要的生产厂商的—— 据IDC1997年年底的统计,惠普已成为世界第三大PC生产厂家。产品的贡献进一步促进了这一发展。去年,惠普不断推出新型产品,为此荣获了50项大奖。我们一直侧重的是如下三个方面:第一,可操纵性我们认为,我们可以帮助客户将PC机的总生存周期成本降低50%。请注意,我指的是总生存周期成本,而不仅仅是售价。我们开发出了功能强大的管理套件,叫Top Tool,它可使IT管理人员收集350项有关PC机的信息,并可远程管理PC机。这一信息供给HP OpenView的台式管理器,将最具综合性的台式管理解决方案推向市场。最近,中国政府在原型项目中使用了惠普的PC机,NetServer以及台式管理系统,该项目旨将四川省经济信息系统与国家信息中心连接起来。第二,可用性我们与微软公司合作提高NT服务器的可用性。我们在业内率先经销微软的群集服务器,该服务器可为两个计算节点提供共享存储器,如一个节点出现故障,服务器可重新启动另一个节点的应用程序。我们在该解决方案中集成了UNIX的某些技术,如Cluster View,这一技术可用于监测多个微软群集服务器。这是客户从惠普为UNIX和NT提供强大支持中获得的另一好处。我们可以充分发挥这两个环境的优势。最后是性能。我们的通路,基于NT的服务器由八台200 Mhz处理器驱动,每一台都配以1 MB高速缓存。这可使该系统支持14,000 Microsoft Exchange用户以及1600 SAP销售及经销用户。这确是企业级的性能。英特尔公司和惠普公司联合确定了一项新的基础结构技术,名为EPIC (显式并行指令计算)。名称表明,软件能在原始代码中析取最大限度的并行性—— 这就是说,具有并行运作的潜力,并可明确地向硬件描述。这一基础结构超出了现有基础结构的限制,适合未来先进的,多媒体的基础结构。它可使UNIX和NT在同一硬件平台上运行。该基础结构为目前在基于Intel和PA-RISC系统上运行应用程序的客户提供了良好的投资保护。客户可在新的系统上运行现有的应用程序,只需重新编译其应用程序,即可获得基础结构最高性能的60至80%。我们的过渡战略对客户极其友好。客户在迁移时即可选择,而他们的应用程序可在新,旧基础结构中并存。我们认为,就这一过渡而言,我们比竞争对手先进若干年。目前,我们与所有主要的独立软件厂商, 诸如Oracle, Informix, SAP及PeopleSoft等业界领先者合作,并确保它们的产品在上市之时适用于新的基础结构。最后,我们的目标非常明确,就是将这一基础结构变为行业标准。这就意味着,就访问这一新的基础结构而言,必须为竞争者提供毫无障碍的场所。因此,我们高兴地看到,诸如Compaq这样的强有力的竞争对手也对此表示了认同。我们信心十足,惠普的产品仍将高于并超出微处理器的水平。我们在系统级基础结构,高度可用性以及可靠性,先进的编译程序技术,强大的中间件以及网络功能方面拥有许多专门知识。我们将强化我们的全球服务和支持能力,加强与解决方案供应商的合作关系,并多方开辟经销渠道。所以,对惠普来说,在新时期有所不同仍是一如既往地从事业务。

  我刚才谈到了推动扩展型企业的系统战略。现在我想谈一谈某些重要的软件产品。HP OpenView是业界处于领先水平的软件产品,旨在帮助客户管理其扩展型企业——包括系统,网络,应用程序,数据库和因特网。就市场份额而言,它是管理分布式环境的头号平台,VAR商业及信息周刊杂志都将其列为1997年同类产品中最佳的产品。在过去的一年中,我们加大了投资的力度,以加强HP OpenView在三大领域的地位。首先是收购PROLIN公司,这一举措旨在提高服务级的管理。我们要为IT管理者提供所需的工具和程序,使他们能与商业用户以合同的形式确认服务水准,例如系统回应时间及可用性等。PROLIN的软件模块套件装入HP OpenView,以监测IT是否符合他们与商业客户达成的协议,如未达到协议规定的条件,则确定问题何在。我们还为客户提供咨询,帮助他们进行程序级所需的变动,以达到他们需要的服务水平,包括操作评估,计划,设计,执行和培训。长久以来,惠普一直在管理分布于客户桌面的数千台PC机方面处于领先的地位。100多家客户在使用我们的软件产品和服务,管理他们的桌面系统,他们当中有许多家都将该项管理分包给我们。今年,我们通过收购一家名为Symantec公司的网络部门,进而加强了我们的地位。这为HP OpenView提供了新的功能,如软件分配,库存,配置,查找故障,注册桌面系统,......以及Windows NT的实时服务器管理。这可使我们提供单一厂商管理解决方案,将硬件,软件管理和服务结合起来。去年第三笔投资是帮助客户管理基于NT的系统。我们评估了解决这一问题的各类方式。当时,有一家叫NewView的小公司拥有最佳的产品——名为ManageX -- 去年下半年我们收购了该公司。我们认为,ManageX是最佳的产品,其原因如下。第一,它具有极强的可伸缩性——可处理从工作群件到整个企业的任何事项。我们认为,这一点非常重要,因为我们看到许多客户初期在工作群件用的是NT,......然后逐渐在企业内扩大。所以,最关键的是具有可发展的工具。第二,ManageX基于微软的技术。如果您想在NT环境拥有领先的产品,这一点甚为重要。目前,OpenView的大多数竞争者均力图获取可用于管理主机或UNIX的软件,......然后将其改型,以符合UNIX。而这项工作极为繁杂。这里,我想谈一谈我们的其他一些IT-基础结构的软件产品,但其深度不及HP OpenView。HP OpenMail为关键业务,高可用性环境提供了报文传送的主干。大多数人认为,报文传送只是发送或接收消息而已。如效率降低,也只是不方便罢了。但当人们将业务过程带入网络,报文传送的主干作用就是至关重要的了。 这就是HP OpenMail所起的作用。最后,诸位可以看到,HP的这些软件产品是为了确保基础结构的安全。虚拟保险箱(Virtual Vault)为核心业务功能和数据提供了安全的因特网访问。全世界的银行业一直在使用这一软件。VerSecure是一种综合性安全加密方案,刚刚获得美国政府的批准可供出口,这是目前率先获准的最好的安全加密技术。微软,IBM, 摩托罗拉和SAP已经认同了这一方式。现在让我谈一谈我们的服务和支持情况,因为这是使客户构建并管理扩展型企业基础结构的关键。我们的专业服务机构的目标是,帮助客户迅速地执行新型技术,将知识传授给他们的IT员工,并通过选择的外源,为其提供人员方面的某些灵活性。在过去三年中,惠普的系统集成和咨询服务有了长足的发展。它是我们与中国的客户和商业伙伴成功合作的关键。诸位请看,我们的专门技术在这些领域。前三项是我刚谈到的软件产品,我谈及电子业务时再介绍另外两项产品。所以,现在我们只介绍ERP  ——企业资源规划。在帮助客户实现诸如SAP等应用程序方面,惠普具有相当的专门技术。目前,我们在全世界已安装了70多套,此外,我们在业界拥有最全面SAP R/3的服务和支持体系。去年,我们推出Rapic R/3,这是一种固定价格合同,其实施进度约为四到六个月。去年,我们已完成十多项这样的安装。顺便提一句,我们拥有目前业界唯一高可用性定制SAP R/3,而且我们严密地综合了HP-SAP支持程序。谈到支持,我想提请各位注意这里所列的两项。一个是我们的高可用性支持,它可提供一系列支持,从部门打印服务器到随时在线预订系统,一应俱全。这里还应注意的是,我们是唯一经证明可在全世界范围内为Unix, Microsoft, Cisco和Netscape提供支持的公司。我们的金融机构为各金融,租赁和再经销产品提供了单一的联系点。它还推出了独具创意的“技术更新” 计划,该计划可自动更新客户的资产,并可处理过时的技术。惠普决心成为中国最佳的客户服务机构,这是我们不断发展目前关系的关键。我们的客户服务部在中国最先荣获ISO 9002最优质量证书。时至今日,我们的竞争对手没有一家获此殊荣。我们还承诺,为我们的客户提供超前的咨询服务,在中国,我们每隔两至三个月就设立一个新的客户支持中心,最近,我们在郑州和天津开设了客户支持中心。下周,我们将在深圳设立第六个分公司。年中我们将在武汉和南京设立分公司,它们将同时负责销售和客户支持。秋季,我们将增设一个主要的反馈中心,编制有150多名员工,它将成为我们在北京新设的惠普总部的一个部门。到2000年,我们在中国将有10多家分公司,从事销售和支持服务—— 还有其他一些机构主要从事支持服务。

  我花了很长的时间介绍惠普如何协助客户建立并管理其扩展型企业基础结构。或许这一介绍占去我大多数时间是合适的,因为这是我们构建一切的基础。在此基础之上,我们增加了某些饶有兴趣的电子业务解决方案,帮助客户利用因特网重新设计他们的业务程序—— 或创建全新的经营方式。例如,中国商品订购系统 (CGOS) 是中国全国性第一家综合性的,多功能性的商品订购系统。该系统经国家经贸委批准,由内贸部管理。设立这一系统的目的是为了在中国建立一个计算机化的商品批发市场,以提供商品贸易的信息,交易服务,加快批发的过程。这一系统投入运行意义在于,将先进的 '网络购物' 概念引入中国的商界。这里,我简单地介绍一下所列的三种解决方案。我们的电子业务软件基于惠普的创新技术——我们称其为Changengine。它是在惠普的实验室开发出来的,.....现已获得专利保护,......并在惠普内部得到广泛的应用,以自动处理关键性的业务。我们所强调的客户需求是:极其简单,企业无法快速改变其应用程序,以跟上业务过程的变化。HP Changengine技术可在应用程序之外处理过程逻辑。这可使客户改变业务的逻辑,而无须变更应用程序—— 因此大大地加快了他们重新设计其业务过程的速度。我们已经推出两项基于这一技术的软件解决方案。HP AdminFlow是一种可使内部管理过程自动化的软件产品。其例子包括IT服务请求自动化,旅费报销自动化,以及人力资源管理自动化等。Sumitomo人寿保险公司在准备行业解除管制时,就利用这一方案迅速改变了数百项过程。HP SmartContact是一种集成技术,可用于管理多用户联系通道——例如电话,因特网,传真以及电子邮件。加利福尼亚州的一家主要的健康保险公司,蓝十字就利用这一方式,创建了综合的'虚拟' 回应中心,极大地提高了客户服务代表的工作效率,以及客户的满意率。我们还计划推出基于HP Changengine的供应链解决方案。惠普的成象技术将在电子业务中起到重要的作用——实现诸如电子编目,远程医疗诊断,以及保险索赔处理等应用程序。为了让诸位对成象技术有所了解,这里,我给大家介绍一下我们是如何与著名的女装设计师Liz Claiborne合作的。我们一起创立了一个 '虚拟陈列室' ,以展示最新的时装。通过它可以先睹为快,并可以在线采购。这一方式可使Liz Claiborne通过新的渠道获得潜在的客户——特别是那些中,小型的公司,因为它们不愿花钱去位于纽约陈列室参观。随着信息的数码化——通过因特网提供通用的连接——信息均可以电子的形式分布,按需在当地打印。这一发展趋势影响极大。例如,波音在公司网址上载有多达10万页的维修手册。而维修人员只需印制所需的某程序。波音应确保该程序是最新的。 这样,维修人员在查找有关信息时就节省了大量的时间,因为他们可以在线查询所需的信息。这里有一个关于分布式打印的有趣的例子。它可使人们看到出版业未来的情形。Inter-City Express是欧洲一家主要为商业旅行者提供服务的市郊列车公司。列车每天两次通过卫星收听新闻。他们利用卫星发来的消息出版自己的报纸, 其读者为特殊的客户。新闻是用惠普的LaserJet激光打印机印制的。与某些竞争者不同,惠普已经建立了一个欣欣向荣的消费者业务。我们的许多产品是面向家庭用户和小型企业的,与此同时,我们也提高了供货的效率和支持能力,为大众市场提供服务。我们还努力在这一领域树立起良好的形象。最近,发起了一个提高品牌知名度的活动,其主题是“不断地发挥潜力” 。这一活动表明,我们正在创造全新的事物。这里我举几个例子。我先从图象的左上角开始,然后顺时针方向讲解。首先,我们使人们能以全新的方式获取或获得信息——甚至金钱。APC与因特网连接,为人们提供了获取新的信息的通道。我们的扫描器可使人们获取以前只能以纸张的形式保存的信息,并将这一信息转换为数码的形式,然后通过网络将其发送出去。VeriFone的个人自动柜员机可使人们从银行帐户提款,并以 '储值' 的形式,将其存入智能卡,然后象现金一样使用。其次,我们还创造了全新的机会生成并处理信息。例如,人们利用家用照相系统,可以自行编辑照片——或许删除照片上的某人——编辑家庭简报,日历或贺卡。第三,我们的网络型PC机可使人们向世界各地的朋友发送信息——或通过网址与陌生人分享信息。当然,我们也提供了印制的复印该信息的功能。实际上,我们的 '包罗万象' 产品涉及的范围更广。它们可以通过传真印制,复印,发送和接收信息。这就是家庭用户或小型企业所需的产品,因为他们没有太多的空间安置不同的设备。如今,具备电子商务的能力已经成为全世界金融机构成功的关键因素。多年来,惠普公司一直与中国的金融机构密切合作,在中国率先开创最佳电子商务。请允许我概述一下惠普公司在这一领域的所做的贡献。1995年,我们开始与中国建设银行合作,在惠普的UNIX平台开发了资金清算系统。如今,惠普的服务器,PC机和支持服务用于该行在全国的44家分行,帮助它们缩短了交易清算的时间,从原先的10天缩短为现在的24小时。本月,我们将与中国银行试行一解决方案,使其公司客户在线进行标准的银行交易。在中国,这是首次进行此类项目。在所有方案中,惠普虚拟保险箱(VirtualVault)方案因其卓越的安全性和可靠性,以及其服务支持而入选。目前,惠普与分支机构VeriFone正与中国银行继续合作,建立这一平台,以便在年底之前确保在线提供电子商务服务,从而在中国再拔头筹。我将这一话题留给中国银行的朋友,稍后,他将向诸位详谈有关惠普和中行合作的情况。现在我简单地谈一谈有关VeriFone的情况。他们起先提供诸如支付终端这样的解决方案。尔后该公司转向提供客户机/服务器计算,在HP9000上开发其解决方案。随着因特网的迅速发展,VeriFone开始研制“虚拟”世界的产品。v.WALLET (虚拟钱包) 是基于PC机的支付器件,嵌入Netscape和Microsoft浏览器,使客户可使用信用卡进行支付。v.POS——指虚拟收款机——是一种位于商户服务器的软件,专门用于处理虚拟商店的因特网安全信用卡交易。这包括实时,在线授权,结算,以及其他支付管理功能。v.GATE (虚拟网关) 是一种位于金融机构服务器上的网关软件,用于管理来自多个商户网络服务器的交易。最后,将这三项合而为一,我们创建了综合支付系统,这是一个开放式的,基于客户机/服务器的平台,可处理所有这些形式的支付。所以,电子商务正在成熟,而且发展迅猛。惠普和VeriFone的联手,正在推动这一变革。

  这就是惠普在协助客户构建的电子化世界。我们愿帮助你们建立并管理IT基础结构,使你们能不断寻求新的机遇。我们愿帮助你们将业务过程迅速地带入网络——并利用它创造全新的经营方式。我们愿为家庭办公的人们提供服务——为那些只想从技术中寻求乐趣的人们提供服务。我们愿助您一臂之力,通过因特网安全而有效地处理钱款,从而变革商务的形式。我们努力在这些领域为我们的客户增值。但我认为,最重要的是,我们在所有四大领域运作。因为,伴随着网络化世界的到来,不同领域的界限正在消亡,而我们可以为您在变革中导航。我们除了在硬件,软件和支持服务方面具有优势外,也决心通过主办各类活动,提高人们的意识,为我们的客户,网络伙伴以及政府和学术界的同仁出谋划策,共同构建这一电子化世界。惠普MegaForum就是一个例证。今年的惠普MegaForum在上海开幕,并将在中国的六个主要城市举办。1998年,总共将有3万多位嘉宾参加惠普MegaForum。他们将参加各类研讨会,产品展示和贸易展销会。据我所知,如此规模IT的盛会,在中国,乃至在惠普都是前所未有的。惠普 (中国) 公司每年还举办另一IT活动——惠普电子世界,其目的是面向最终用户。今年,这一活动将在北京举行,重点也是电子商务。届时,将有40多家厂商,1万多位嘉宾参加,100多场研讨会将涉及IT界在中国和世界实现电子商务所面临的诸多问题。今年,在惠普电子世界,我们计划再创中国第一,即通过电视会议使北京,台北和香港的观众在同一论坛探讨共建电子化世界的课题。我认为,连David Packard本人也会以此为荣,向中国的观众讲话。当然,我们更觉得能参加这一盛会,不胜荣幸。电子化世界代表着全新的经营方式。我极力希望诸位能欣然接受它,利用它,使贵组织获得更大的成功。








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:37 |只看该作者
We always talk about the Internet a lot, and people always come to me and say, "Jerry, what is the big deal about the Internet?" And I always try to tell them with some numbers and statistics of what is happening on the Internet. At the end of 1997, there are about 70 million users on the Internet on the worldwide bases, and by the end of this year it will be over 100 million. And this is from a very rapid growth in 1995. There was less than 30 million people on the Internet, and you can see that in the net last three years it has grown very, very fast and very, very rapidly. The Internet is very interesting because it is a platform for information, for business, for commerce and for content. And this is a very interactive medium. It is the only interactive medium that allows you to do all these things. We have really seen a tremendous growth within the United States on the Internet media. And what we are going to see in the future is that the growth outside of the U.S. is going to be much more rapid, much faster, especially in countries like China, in Asia and in Europe. I have to say how important it is to have an interactive medium because the ability for users like yourself to interact with the Internet to have a dialogue, to experience, is what makes the Internet very, very unique. There is really no other way that can allow you to experience content, commerce and do business like Internet. And this is why I would think that it is very, very important for not only businesses, but also users to get on to Internet and start using it as a way of getting their information and making their life easier.

A lot of people called Yahoo a search engine, and I always have to sort of say that we are more than a search engine. In fact what we have become is a very powerful brand. Over 30 million users on the every month use Yahoo in the United States. We have tremendous amount of recognition and trust. One of the key things that we have established is every time somebody uses Yahoo we call that a page view. Every month we do over two billion page views and that is becoming quite a way of life for a lot of people on Internet. We really appeal to the individual users. We have a lot of people that use Yahoo when they are at work, and we have a lot of people that use Yahoo when they get home at night. And what we are doing is also expanding very rapidly around the world. We have numerous Yahoo versions in Europe, in Asia, in Australia, and we are always expanding, hoping to do more. The key for Yahoo, as many of you know, is a directory structure and its navigational guide. We have over 900,000 Web sites in the US underneath of a few hundreds, thousand categories, and we have over 300 content relationships that we have with major media companies, content companies. And we are always to build, provide users, and consumers, some business solutions to help them find things on their net, to help them shop for something on the Internet, and help them to find information or even other people that they want to contact and communicate with.

A lot of people ask me, "how do you make money?" "What is the business behind Yahoo?" And what are the things we tried to do is have a very partnership-oriented approach. So we have a lot of partners, and our business model is based on the advertising business model. When you use Yahoo you will see a lot of banner advertising that is on top of the pages, and those are paid advertising that we receive for people to display their messages to our users. So this is, I feel, very similar to broadcasting and other kind of media where the user can use the service for free. Many of you know Yahoo is a free product, but we get money from the advertisers who want to reach our users.

Let me talk a little about the history because I am one of the founders along with my partner David. We were both graduate students at Stanford University in 1994 in California, and instead of working on our thesis, we were playing around on the Internet. And one night my partner David started to put together a database of Web sites, maybe in the first time we did this around 200 Web sites. We put it on the Web, on the World Wide Web, and people started to use it. And in the year 1994 we saw from now usage to almost one million users a day coming to Yahoo everyday. Many people ask me how we come up with the name Yahoo. Well, Yahoo, if you look in a dictionary, it means a very rude and uncivilized people from Gulliver's Travels. And so we, my partner and I, said we are a kind of yahoos because we are both very uncivilized. And so we take the name, and says it is easy to remember. And that is how we got the name. We decided to turn into business in 1995, almost one year after we started as a hobby at Stanford. We got some virtual capital, money, and started to get some management, people, senior managers, to help us, and we work very hard at getting advertising revenues, and in one year we were able to build a real business. Several important things happened to us in 1996, historically, because we went public in the Nastaq market in the United States. And we were, became a profitable company in later of that year. And those are very important things for me but also for the industry, because a lot of people didn't believe that (with) Internet you can make money. And we showed that by having a strong brand, a good set of users, a good product, we can be a profitable company.

Here are some more statistics about the Yahoo business. In 1997, last year, we did, in US dollars, about 67 million US dollars. We were able to achieve something that a lot of people cannot do yet on the Internet which is, have a very viable business model. Now we have about 450 other Yahoos around the world where headquartered in Silicon Valley in Santa Clara. And we really believe that our business, the Internet business is a global business, and so we have not only 8 offices in the US, but also have offices in 10 countries around the world.

I want to spend a few minutes and talk about Internet advertising because it is one of those things that people don't often understand -- why it works and how it works. When you build a Web site, when businesses build a Web site, they often have to find a way to get people to know about their Web site. And advertising on the Internet is the best way for people to know about what Web site is where. We have to keep ability of tracking how many people saw the Web site, how many people saw the advertising, and become a very targeted and accountable medium. We can target it based on different geographies, we can target base on different kinds of people. And it is a very, very large market. Many people don't realize, but in the US alone, almost 200 billion dollars a year were spent on advertising. So even if you think about an Internet advertising, so even if it is one percent of overall advertising market, it is a multi-billion-dollar market.

Let me talk a little about that Web advertising market and update on 'Net. In 1997, em, in 1996, the number of dollars spent on the Web was around 270 million US dollars. That is the amount of money that the Web advertisers spent. Last year that number was around 700 million dollars. In 1998, this year, over one billion dollars will be spent on the Web advertising alone. And this is primarily driven out the United States and Western Europe, and some parts of Asia. And we really believe that the growth will continue to double at a very, very rapid rate. In fact, one of the key things I shared with you earlier was that, Yahoo can reach tens of millions of people over the course of a month. And this is becoming as popular a medium as television, newspapers, and magazines. So that we are now competitive in many ways with traditional media advertisement. To give you an example, in last quarter, in the last part of last year, we had over 1,700 advertisers. Over 70 percent of them are consumer brand advertisers, and so not everybody who advertise on the Internet are technology companies, but they could be names you are very familiar with, like Coca Cola, or telephone companies or car companies.

One of the biggest things that happened in 1997 for me was that Electronic Commerce, Internet Commerce, became a possibility. A number of companies in United States became aware and became possible to start doing commerce and transactions, such as shopping, over the Internet. I, for example, myself, did a lot of my Christmas shopping on the Internet because I don't like to go buy things at stores. So I order some pants, one of them I am wearing now, over the Internet. And it was great because I know exactly what size I want it and it showed up online home. The opportunity for Web Commerce is very, very large. In 1997, last year, about 3 billion dollars of merchandise were sold through the Internet in the United States. By the year 2000, that number is going to be over 100 billion dollars. And you can see year by year there is going to be a tremendous amount of transactions that going to happen over the Internet. The Web is very interesting because it allows users themselves to be active. They are the persons that are in charge. And consumers, people who are doing the Web surfing, have a lot of options, and they have the choice. So a lot of people are recognizing that the customers now can have a very important say in what to buy, how to buy it and where to buy it. And as a result many industries in United States are undergoing some very rapid change, because of the buying power on the Web. At least there are some examples here. For example, stocks. People not only look at stock information, but also trade, and buy, and sell stocks electronically through the Web. In fact, there are many very successful companies that are now emerge (emerging) in the United States that all it do (does) is (to) sell stocks over the Web. We work with a partner called Etrade that does exactly that. In the United States now, it is tax season. And for the first time, you can file some of your taxes over the Web. And this is a very convenient way for people to gather information, to understand the laws that have changed about taxes, and now be able to process and sermon your tax forms online. Other applications that are very, very important, are travel, where you can buy airline tickets, book hotels, book rental cars through travel sites; buy books, Amazon.com is a very famous bookstore now on the Web; you can buy computers and software and hardware and accessories through Web -- people, for example, like Dell Computers and Gateway 2000, have created the tremendous opportunity to go directly to the consumers; you can buy music CDs, videos, almost anything you can imagine that you can buy through retail now you are beginning to buy on the Web. I believe that in the United States you will see even more industries change because the way that the Web is so popular and people have ability to conduct commerce at their own pace. They can talk to whoever they want to talk to, (find out,) do some research and then conduct the transaction based on their own behavior rather than having to go to somebody else to buy the merchandise.

So I want to show you this chart because it talks about Yahoo's strategy and where we want to be as a company. We have a lot of content on the Web. Millions of Web sites that are on the top; and on the bottom we have tens of millions, hundreds of millions of users; and in the middle is where Yahoo is focusing our efforts. We develop the technology; we develop the advertise; we develop the business model to help build merchant-consumer commerce services like the ones I talked about taxes, stocks, computing goods. We talk of contents, news, sports. We talk about the directory, that I talked about the aggregation which I call, we call super aggregation and core aggregation. And on the two sides we have two very important elements. The personalization element, which is how do we make the Web, how do we, how do Yahoo help you make the Web more personal. Everybody should have a very unique experience with the Web. You don't have to have the same experience because it is interactive. And we are trying very hard to bring a personalized component to the Web experience. And the other side we have communication. And the key to allow the Web success is the fact not only can you get content from publishers or information sources, you can also communicate through email, through chatting and through messaging that is now become a very big part Web usage in the United States. And we believe by doing these parts well, by helping people find the content need, find the products and services they need, and finding other people that they need to find, we can become a new kind of company that ties together people on the Web.

These are some of the things we offer today on Yahoo site in the United States, and I thought it is useful to list them because a lot of people don't realize all these things are available on Yahoo. A lot of people still think of these at many ways as a navigational guide. I have already mentioned Yahoo Finance. Yahoo Finance is our stock-put and stock-lookup service. Everyday we have over 5 million people that look at us for stock information, news about companies, etc. Score Bodies are sports site where we have real time sports information, so during a ball game, people can look at information on the Web. And of course news, which is one of the most popular, news services on the Web. Nowadays I will give you the example when big news items happen. So many of you know last year Princess Dianna's tragedy. The Web was the first place that had real information about the incident, even before television did. And we believe in many ways, the way people use the Web to find news is going to change the way people get news. We also have a lot of local information in the United States --classifies which is a way of buying and selling things, small things, for yourselves; yellow pages which is way to find businesses; maps where you can actually get driving directions or find out where the place is. These services are all available on the Web through Yahoo. We talked about international. We have ten countries. I didn't have time to list them all here, but, France, Germany, Yahoo UK, Yahoo Japan, Yahoo Canada, Yahoo Asia in Singapore, Yahoo Australia, and numerous others. We also have designed some Yahoo services around demographics. So for example, Yahooligan is our service for kids, and we have also a version for Yahoo seniors for people who are over the age of 65. My Yahoo is a personalized service. We have some happened event, guide. We will tell you what is everything going on on the Web. And on the last bullet I talk about the communication services that we offer. Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Pager, which sends messages to each other, and Yahoo message board where you can post and read what other people say about certain topics.

Because we are, because I am in China and because I am in Asia, I want to talk a little about the global aspect of Yahoo. And I want to talk about Yahoo Japan as a kind of case that you want me to show with you. A lot of people tell me, you know, that the problem with the Internet, the biggest problem of the Internet is language and culture. You know, my locution is still so much dominated by English and dominated by American language and American culture. I agree with that. One of the first things we did as a company was to establish a joint venture in Japan. We did this in April 1996, while even Yahoo is very, very young. We started in Japan because it is a very interesting market. At that time it was already becoming a very big Internet user base, and also the language is obviously very different. We had to build the site from Japanese. Almost from the date we launched we became the most popular Web site in Japan. Now we are one of the most dominant Web-based businesses in Japan. In fact we took the company public on the Japan's stock exchange in last November. And we also help develop the Internet advertising business in Japan. And I honestly believe that by focusing on building around the culture and building around the language of the audience, we can duplicate the Yahoo model no matter where we go. And in fact we have done that as well in Europe and Canada, Singapore, etc.

One of the key things that makes me very excited about the China market is because that I believe the Chinese Web market is going to have a very, very huge potential in the future. Part of my trip, here is to learn more about China market, and learn about the Internet developments in China. And I have learned a tremendous amount. And I have increasing hope that there are so many things that the Chinese Web can do that is unique to China as a market, and to China as a language, and China as a culture. What is happening today, as many of you know, is the number of Internet users in China is increasing at such a rapid rate. Almost every month I hear the number is getting larger and larger. Just recently we understand that there is officially over 600,000 subscribers on the Internet in China, and unofficially that number may be even higher. We believe that there are significant efforts that are beginning to develop so that good content is being developed. And we think that the potential for developing advertising-based, commerce-based, free service is very, very large.

I want to talk a little bit about as the local market, as a China market, what are the keys to grow this market going forward. The first thing that we look at, I try to understand, is how many personal computers will be sold that can allow people to get on the Internet. And in China that number is growing at a very, very rapid rate. I understand that by 1998 over 5 million PCs will be sold in China and all of them can get on the Internet. The using that I think is key to growing a business which we have seen in every market that we have been in is being able to provide cheap, affordable access to the Internet for consumers. And not only the services should be cheap and affordable but also they need to be reliable and fast. And to do that a lot of times these access businesses need to be somehow driven by profitability, and somehow being able to be a real business demo online. And I think China as a whole is going through that investment stage where a lot of money needs to be invested in building all the infrastructure and attracting subscribers to get on the Internet. The third thing we see as a key to growth in any market is the ability to have software tools that help you put information on the Web, design information on the Web and change information on the Web. And those software tools are what people (that) have built in the United States that drove very, very rapid growth. In the United States for content and commerce, and I hope in China as well there will be significant efforts to build out a set of tools, a set of software, a set of technology, that help you build content commerce applications for the Web. The fourth thing that is very important for a viable Web medium model is the creative community, so people who can help you design Web sites and can help you design concepts and help you understand how to use these Web sites, to help your marketing, to help your users, to (help you) give you better experience. And these people are very much needed in order to develop compiling, competitive quality, content experience. And lastly which is probably the most important thing is that businesses, governments, education, people in the community, people in the society, have to feel like the Web is a key part of how to grow as a country, as an economy, and to be competitive. I will give you an example in the United States. The government in the early 1990s decided that they need an interactive infrastructure to grow the economy in the country, and they had invested in all kinds of different things and, you know, vice president Al Gore calls it a National Information Infrastructure - NII. And the Internet in many ways became that National Information Infrastructure for the United States. And I believe not only the government had intense interest in building out Internet as a way as communications, that education sector, the colleges, the public schools, the most importantly the business community. It is very hard to find a company now in the United States that doesn't have a wide presence or even doing some business on the Web. And without businesses endorsing, the Web as a way of doing businesses is tough to have a viable industry.

I think when I end the talking about the future a little bit. One of the key challenges as we see is being able to continue to monitor how the telecommunications industry is being opened up and deregulated for competition. Still in many parts of the world outside United States, the cost for telephone lines and for telephone access to the Internet is still very, very expensive. And most of it is still based on usage. So if you use so many hours you have to pay for so much. And in the US the move has been made to a flat pricing where the pricing is based on unlimited usage. We think that in order for the Web to develop more mature and faster, the telecommunication companies around the world need to have more competition and have lower rates in order to make it affordable and also make it accessible for users. The Web is still a very much (a) young medium, it has only been around for a couple of years. There are a lot of issues with security, and reliability, and being able to protect sensitive data, being able to provide a safe environment. It is very, very important. The top two issues right now in America for Web usage is how to protect children, how to make it a safe place for people to use the Web, and also how to protect the privacy of users. And those two things, I think, are very large problems that are being addressed. And I think in anywhere that the Web goes, anywhere that the Web industry wants to go, we need to help address the security issues, and help address the content issues, and make it a safer and safer place. One of the things that I think is very interesting in the future is that the way you can access the Internet is going to be very different from different places, and what I call multiple ways of accessing the Internet. Today primarily the access to the Internet is done through telephone lines, released lines. But I think in the future there are tremendous technologies that can enable people to access the Internet through wireless ways, through satellites, through cable, and of course, through different pass phones on telephone lines. And to me to build have, the Internet access in its many different ways as possible as very, very important because sooner rather than later, people are going to feel like the Internet is not some special places they have to go to. It is going to be something you use almost as frequently and without thinking as the telephone. And people don't think about going to the telephone like they think about going to the Internet today. Eventually the Internet has to become more ubiquitous and to do that it needs to be a better way, a better access method, for. Another big issue for the future is the bandwidth issue. And too often I hear people complaining that it is too slow on the Internet. It takes too long to download anything. And yes, those are major issues. And I know there are huge initiatives around the world that will increase bandwidth, that will allow people to design things that you can interact very fast. And I hope that the bandwidth keeps getting better, because the more bandwidth there is , the more ways in which people can develop the tools.

Lastly I want to talk about the migration of primarily information medium into a kind of commerce medium, a community medium. You know a lot of people think about the Internet in the future. And one of the things I think needs to happen is, maybe it is not only a computer-oriented tool, maybe it is not too far of the future, that you can access the Internet on your TV, on your watch, maybe on your microwave oven. Somewhere and everywhere you can somehow get into the Internet. And in that point it really isn't about what content you have on the Internet. It is really about how you can communicate with other people effectively and how can you do business effectively. And in order for the Internet survive around the world and in China, it needs to be not only a content medium, but also needs to be a business medium. People need to build to have value that are improved, their lives made better because of the Internet.








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发表于 2005-11-2 15:37 |只看该作者
我们总是大量地谈论 Internet,人们也总来问我:“Jerry,什么是 Internet 的大交易?”我总是试图告诉他们一些有关 Internet 的统计数据。在 1997 年年底,全球范围内有 7000 万 Internet 用户,到今年年底,这个数字将突破 1 亿。这种快速的增长从 1995 年便已开始,当时 Internet 用户只有 3000 万,你们可以看到在过去三年 Internet 用户的增长非常非常迅速。Internet 非常有趣,因为它是一种非常广泛的平台,包括信息、交易、商业和娱乐,同时还是一种非常交互的媒体。它也是允许你做所有这些事情的唯一交互式媒体。我们已确实看到了 Internet 媒体在美国的巨大增长。并且我们看到未来在美国之外的增长将会更加迅速,特别是在中国,在亚洲还有欧洲。我得说一种交互式的媒体对于我们来说非常重要,因为这样一种媒体允许你与之对话,而正是这种体验使得 Internet 非常非常特别。确实没有其它的途径使你能够得到在 Internet 上的这种娱乐、商业和交易方式。这就是为什么我觉得 Internet 如此重要,不仅是对于商业,它还可以使用户们上网后得到他们所需的信息,生活更为舒适。

很多人把 Yahoo 称作搜索引擎,我却要说我们不仅仅是搜索引擎。事实上我们已经成为一个非常强大的品牌,在美国每个月有超过 3000 万的用户使用 Yahoo。我们广为人知并值得信赖。我们把每一次用户对 Yahoo 的使用称作一次“page view”。每个月我们有超过 20 亿次的“page view”,这已经差不多成为许多网上用户的生活方式了。我们对于个人用户极具吸引力。我们不仅拥有许多用户在工作时使用 Yahoo,还有许多人晚上在家里使用 Yahoo,而我们正在做的是向全球范围迅速扩张。我们在欧洲、亚洲、澳大利亚有很多版本的 Yahoo,我们一直在扩张,并且希望能够做得更多。你们很多人都知道,Yahoo 的关键是它的目录结构和浏览指南。在上十万个类别下我们有 90 多万个美国网点。我们与主要的媒体公司及信息公司有超过 300 个的合作信息关系。我们一直在为用户和消费者建造并提供一些商业能力,帮助他们在网上找到所需的东西,并进行网上购物。我们还帮助他们寻找信息甚至是他们想联系的人。

许多人问我:“你们如何赚钱?”“Yahoo 背后的商业机制是什么?”我们极力去做的是建立面向 Internet 访问的广泛合作关系。我们有许多合作伙伴,我们商业模式的基础是广告商业模式。当你使用 Yahoo 的时候,在页面的顶端你会看到很多广告,那些是收费广告,我们要把他们的广告词显示给我们的用户。因此我想这与广播或其它媒体是类似的,用户都是免费得到服务。大家都知道 Yahoo 是免费使用,但是我们要从广告客户哪里赚取利润。

我与合伙人 David 一起创建了 Yahoo,现在我来谈一谈我们的发展历史吧。我们在 1994 年都是 Stanford 大学的研究生,我们没有专注于论文而是在 Internet 上畅游。有一天晚上我的伙伴 David 把一些网址集中到一个数据库内,第一次大概有 200 个网点。然后我们把它放到 WWW 网上,就有人开始使用它。在 1994 年大概每天都有 100 万用户访问 Yahoo。很多人问我 Yahoo 的名称是如何得来的。在字典上,Yahoo 的意思是粗鲁而未开化的人,是从《格列佛游记》中得到的。我们把自己称作 Yahoo,因为我们认为我们自己就是 Yahoo。而且它还很容易记,这样我们就把它当作了我们的名字。开始,我们在 Stanford 还只是把它作为业余爱好,一年后,在 1995 年我们决定投入商业运作。我们搞到一些钱作资本,并找到一些管理人员来帮我们。为了得到广告收入,我们工作非常努力,在一年内我们便有能力形成真正的业务。1996 年发生了一些非常重要的事,我们开始在美国 Netherdeck 上市,那年晚些时候我们便成为一个盈利公司。这些事不仅仅对我们自己很重要,对整个业界也很重要,因为很多人不相信能够通过 Internet 赚钱。但我们做到了这一点,我们拥有强大的品牌、大量的用户以及很好的产品。

这儿还有一些关于 Yahoo 的统计数字。在 1997 年,我们的收入达到 6700 万美元。我们做到了很多人在 Internet 上还做不到的事情,建立了一个可行的商业模式。现在我们在全世界有约 450 个 Yahoo,总部设在 Santa Clara 的硅谷。我们相信我们的 Internet 业务是全球性的业务。因此我们不仅在美国有 8 个分部,而且还在全世界 10 个国家拥有分部。

我想用几分钟谈谈 Internet 广告,因为这是人们常常不能理解的 -- 为什么它可行又是如何可行的?当商业公司建立网点时,他们常常要想办法让别人知道他们的站点。Internet 广告正是要告诉人们网点的位置。我们要了解有多少人访问了网点,有多少人看到了广告,这便形成了一种目标明确且可以信赖的媒介。我们不仅可以按不同地理位置定位,还可以按不同类别的人定位。这是一个很多人都未认识到的非常非常大的市场,仅仅在美国,一年就几乎有 2000 亿美元花费在广告上,即使 Internet 广告只占 1% 的市场份额,那也是一个数十亿美元的市场。

下面我来谈一下网络广告及其最新情况。在 1996 年,网络上的广告费用约为 2.7 亿美元。去年这个数目达到约 7 亿美元。在 1998 年网络广告费用将会超过 10 亿,这主要是由美国、西欧和亚洲部分地区所带动的。我们相信增长还将会迅速翻倍。事实上,Yahoo 的关键是每个月能接触到上千万的用户。它正逐渐成为象电视、报纸和杂志一样的大众媒体。我们在很多方面能够与传统媒体广告竞争。例如,在去年的最后一个季度,我们广告客户超过 1700 个,其中 70% 是消费类品牌,因此并不是只有技术公司在Internet 上做广告。它们都是些大家很熟悉的公司,例如可口可乐公司、电话公司或者是汽车公司。

在 1997 年对我们来说最大的一件事是电子商务,或者说 Internet 商务成为可能。相当多的美国产业逐渐意识到了这一点并开始在 Internet 上从事购物之类的商业贸易活动。例如,我的很多圣诞采购就是通过 Internet 进行的,因为我不喜欢在商店里购物。我定购了一些裤子,其中就包括我现在穿的这一条。当然,我之所以能够通过 Internet 购物,也是因为我知道我所需要的确切尺寸而且它可以在线展示。网络商务的机会是非常非常巨大的。1997 年在美国约有 30 亿美元的货物是通过 Internet 售出的。到 2000 年,这个数目将会超过 1000 亿美元。你会看到网络上的交易量将会一年比一年大。网络之所以如此有趣,是因为用户在它上面是主动的。在网络上冲浪的人拥有大量选择余地,他们有很多机会。很多人都认识到,现在消费者对购买什么、如何购买以及在那儿购买拥有更大的发言权。因此,美国许多产业正在进行一些非常迅速的改变,其原因正是网络上的购买力。例如股票,人们不仅在网上了解股票信息,而且进行电子交易,通过网络买卖股票。事实上,美国现在出现的许多非常成功的公司所做的其实就是通过网络销售股票。我们的一个合作伙伴 E-trade 就是这样。美国现在正是收税的季节,今年是第一次你可以通过网络缴纳一些税费。这对于人们收集信息,了解有关税收法律改变情况非常方便。你可以通过网络处理并填写税收表格。其它一些非常重要的应用包括,旅行方面 -- 你可以通过旅行网点购买机票、预定旅店和预定租车;购买书籍 -- ArmazondaCom 便是一家非常有名的网上书店;你还可以通过网络购买计算机、软件、硬件及附件,例如 Dell 计算机公司和 Gateway 2000 便创造了许多直接面向消费者的机会;你还可以购买音乐 CD 和录象制品。总之,几乎你想象中所有可以通过零售渠道购买的东西现在都可以在网上购买。我相信在美国还会有更多的产业进行转变,因为网络方式是如此的受欢迎,人们有能力以自己的方式来引导商业。他们还可以与任何需要的人交谈,进行一些调查,然后以他们自己的行为来引导交易而不再需要去找什么人购买商品。

我给大家展示这个图表是因为它描述了 Yahoo 的战略以及我们的公司将向哪里去。我们在网上有很多信息。最顶层有数百万网点,在最低层我们有数以亿计的用户,而这中间正是我们努力之所在。我们开发技术,发展广告,我们还建立了一种商业模式以提供面向消费者的商业服务。正象我前面所说的税收、股票或计算机产品那样,我们谈到娱乐、新闻、体育,我们讨论目录,我们还讨论称之为超级集合 (aggregation) 和核心集合的东西。在这两方面我们有两条非常重要的因素。个性化因素,这是指我们使你的网络更具个性化。每个人在网络方面都有各自不同的经历,你不必与别人相同,因为网络是交互式的,我们正在努力把个性化成分带给你的网络经历。另一方面,是通信能力。你不仅可以从出版商或有关消息来源得到一些内容,还可以通过 email、聊天及讯息进行通信,这些在美国要占网络使用的很大一部分,而正是这些使得网络取得成功。我们相信只要我们把这部分做好,即帮助人们找到所需的内容如产品、服务或他所要找的其他人,我们就能够成为一种在网上与人们紧密相连的新型公司。

下面是我们目前在美国 Yahoo 站点上提供的一些服务,因为有很多人并没有意识到在 Yahoo 上可以得到这些,所以我认为列出它们是有用的。仍然有很多人将这些服务作为导航工具使用。我已经谈到过 Yahoo Finance。Yahoo Finance 的内容是股票交易和股票查询。每天我们有超过五百万人在看我们提供的股票信息及公司新闻等等。Score Bodies 是一个体育运动站点,我们在那里提供实时的体育信息,所以当球赛进行的时候,人们就可以在网络上实时看到消息。当然还包括现在最流行的网络新闻服务。现在我给你们举一个新闻焦点事件发生的例子。很多人都知道去年 Dianna 王妃的悲剧。网络是第一个实时提供有关车祸信息的地方,甚至比电视都早。同时我们相信,人们通过网络查找新闻将逐渐改变人们其它的许多种获得新闻的方式。我们在美国已经有很多本地信息服务,交易方式的分类对你来说是一件小事,通过黄页你可以找到商业机会;通过得到的地图你能够搞清楚驾车方向或找到要去的地方。这些服务都可以通过 Yahoo 在网上得到。

我们该谈谈国际上的情况了。我们在十个国家开展业务,由于时间有限我不能一一列出,象法国、德国、英国、日本、加拿大、新加坡、澳大利亚以及其它的一些国家都有 Yahoo。我们也针对不同的人群设计了 Yahoo 业务,例如 Yahooligan 是为儿童提供的;Yahooseniors 是专为65岁以上的人设计的;My-Yahoo 是针对个人的服务。我们记录了很多发生过的事情,我们会告诉你在在网络上发生的每一件事。最后我要谈谈我们提供的通讯业务,有可以互相发送信息的 Yahoo Mail 和 Yahoo Pager ; Yahoo 留言板,在它上面你可以发表(观点)及阅读其他人关于特定题目的言论。

由于我现在是在中国,在亚洲,所以我想谈一些关于 Yahoo 的国际方面的情况。作为你们希望我展示的一个例子,我想谈谈 Yahoo Japan 。很多人对我说, Internet 上的问题,最重要的问题,就是语言和文化 -- 你们知道,我的语言风格就仍然为英语所统治,或者说是为美国语言和文化所统治。我同意上面的观点。作为一个公司,我们最初所做的联合风险投资之一便是在日本。那是在 1996 年 4 月,尽管当时 Yahoo 还非常非常年轻。我们从日本开始是因为这是一个令人非常感兴趣的市场。那时日本已经有非常多的 Internet 用户,语言也是如此的不同,我们必须建立一个日语站点。几乎是与此同时,我们就成为日本最受欢迎的网点。现在我们在日本已经成为最具统治性的网络商业公司之一。事实上去年十一月我们的股票便已在日本上市。我们还在日本帮助发展 Internet 广告商业。所以我完全相信,通过按照用户的文化和语言建立站点,无论我们到了哪里,我们都可以克隆 Yahoo 模式。事实上在欧洲、加拿大和新加坡我们都获得了成功。

中国市场的一个关键因素使我非常兴奋,我相信中国的 Web 市场在未来将会有非常非常巨大的潜力。我这次旅程的成果之一就是,在这里我更加了解了中国市场,了解了 Internet 在中国的发展。我真的了解了很多,所以我的信心在增加。中国的 Web 有很多的事情可以去做,因为在中国无论是市场、语言或是文化都是独一无二的。而现在正在发生些什么呢,正如你所知道的,在中国 Internet 的用户数目正在迅速增长,几乎每个月我都所听说用户数量变得越来越大。就在最近我们了解到官方统计的 Internet 用户已达60万,而在官方统计之外的用户数字可能更大。我们正在做出重要的努力以发展网络的容量。同时我们还看到网络广告、网络贸易和免费服务的发展潜力是非常非常巨大的。

我想谈一谈中国这个市场,什么是它继续前进的关键因素呢。从我自己的角度看,首先是我希望了解,到底会卖出多少台个人电脑,才能使人们可以步入 Internet。现在中国这个数字正在非常迅速的增长。我知道在 1998 年中国将销售超过 5 百万台的 PC 机,而且所有这些都可以接入 Internet。我认为,PC 机的使用是我们所见的每一个市场增长的关键因素,这样我们才有可能向消费者提供廉价且承受得起的 Internet 接入。
同时不仅是服务要廉价和承受得起,而且它们要可靠而快速。很多情况下,提供这些接入服务的公司必须能够盈利,成为真正的商业公司,才能做到以上这几点。我认为,中国正在全面经历一个投资阶段,此时需要大量的投资以建设整个基础设施并吸引用户进入 Internet。


第四件对可行的 Web 媒体模式非常重要的是创造性人群,这些人能够帮助你设计站点、设计概念并帮助你如何使用这些站点来为你的市场、用户服务,他们还能帮助你得到更好的经验。这些人对于发展竞争质量和信息经验是必需的。

最后也可能最重要的是让企业、政府、教育单位、社团成员以及社会各阶层都能够感到网络是国家经济和竞争力增长的一个关键因素。我要讲一下美国的例子。在九十年代早期,政府就确定他们需要一个交互式的基础设施以促进国家经济的增长,于是他们向所需的各方面投资,这就是副总统戈尔所说的国家信息基础设施(NII)。由此 Internet 在很大程度上便成为美国的 NII。同时我相信不仅是政府在建立 Internet 方面有很大的兴趣,以作通信之用,而且作为教育机构的大学、公立学院以及主要的企业团体也是这样。现在已经很难找出哪个美国公司不在网上经常出现或在网上进行交易。并且不需企业签字的交易在网上已经成为一个可行的产业。

在结束之前,我想谈一谈我们的未来。我们所见的一个关键挑战是,如何使我们的通信产业变得更加开放并自由竞争。在美国之外的很多地方,电话线和电话接入 Internet 的费用依旧非常非常昂贵,而且其中大多数还是面向时间的。因此你用了多少小时,就要相应付多少钱。而在美国你可以无限制的使用,却只缴纳相同的费用。我们认为为了让网络发展得更加成熟和快速,世界上的通信公司都应该更具有竞争性,降低费用以使网络可以被用户承受得起。

关于未来我想到一个非常有趣的事:我们将从不同的地方以不同的形式接入 Internet ,这就是我所称的多种方式 Internet 接入。今天首选的接入 Internet 的方式是通过电话和租用线。但是我认为在将来,人们可以利用大量的技术以不同的方式接入 Internet -- 通过无线方式、卫星、电缆接入到 Internet,当然还可以通过不同的电话接入 Internet。

正如我指出的那样,通过不同的方式接入 Internet 是非常非常重要的,因为马上人们就会觉得 Internet 不再是什么特殊的所在,它将成为你不用多加考虑的、非常频繁使用的东西 -- 就象电话机一样。现在的人们对电话的看法和对 Internet 的看法是很不一样。最终 Internet 会变得更加普及,而为了做到这点,需要一个更好的途径、一个更好的接入方法。
另一个将来要面对的大问题是带宽的问题。我总是听到人们在抱怨 Internet 的速度太慢,不管从它上面下载什么东西都要花费太多的时间。我同意这是一个重要问题。我知道在世界上有好多人都在努力提高网络带宽,以使人们可以设计快速交互的网络。我希望带宽将变得更宽,因为带宽越宽,人们开发各种工具的方法就越多。

最后我想谈谈原有的信息媒体向一种商业媒体、共有媒体转变的问题。有很多人,包括我,都认为有一件事是一定会发生的,未来的 Internet 不再仅仅是一个面向计算机的工具了。或许就在不久的将来,你将可以通过 TV、手表甚至是微波炉接入 Internet,你在哪儿都可以接入。从这一点上看,问题就不再仅仅是从 Internet 可以得到什么信息了,实际上问题将是如何通过 Internet 有效地与其他人联系、有效地开展商业活动了。为使 Internet 在全世界、在中国存在下去,Internet 必须不仅应该是一个信息的媒体,而且应该成为商业媒体。Internet 将提高人们生活的价值,将使人们的生活变得更加美好。








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:38 |只看该作者
Good morning.
   Distinguished ladies and gentleman, guests both in Shanghai and where you might be watching on your computer screen. We are trying to do some different broadcasting presentation in computing in different languages simultaneously.
   Let me tell you all about what the premise of ever since that I'd like to talk about today. Our world in using computers towards a universe of reaching 1 billion connected computers, computer that can share information, data and that can work and allow people in different part of the world, to work together, to operate as if we were rightness of each other with neighbors of each other that is the premise of our work and that premise on which the activity, the large part of computing industry base today.
   The two major driving forces computing industry today are first the available of the low cost and high performance of computing and all elements of global network that we are talking about and of course the network itself. Our industry that is looking at Peking industry with huge volume has become a major industry. I think them are add the number of 1998, the industry world wide we have showed something 100 million units of computers that is larger number than television sets production in the world. It is industry that grows in China, distributes in China, emerging at Chinese magnificent feature as a deading force in supplying China fency market that's very interesting sight, the sign of how industry of Chinese society in hasing, the world of computing and also connected computing.
   Our work in the business of supply, the fundamental basic block computing which is microprocessor as the units of computing evolved, the use of microprocessors evolved as well and we evolve the technology according to the fact changes but typically evolution to allow the world to are the microprocessor's architecture into addition of segment are the computer universe changes. That industry what I mean by it in more a bit detail.
   This is evolutionary in the basic computing industry as you remember fashion computer started as a best sort of machine basically as a office for people to do individual work on and then as a world one market of basic computer segmentation in basic computers in general should be modified in adopting the different segments of computer market some of them are the desk sort in the course of service, some of them. They make small in reliable in both with computers and increasingly broaden the segmentation in terms of computers are the consumers business users use the computers as consumers use the computers and believe that both purposes both carry with the computers. In the last couple of years we have seen the substantial forward segmentation, finer segmentation of the computing market. We see a product introduced as a microprocessor reach higher into the more demanding computers into enterprise service and in high performance computers. We at same time see another evolution of standardizing high service and economic at feasing industry to one modified service and at same time modified the service from that used to be the service to service designed to be the serviced.
   On the best the fragment of the segmentation in the market also you see work stations at emerging market for our microprocessors and computer microprocessors as major market hold or microprocessors and computer microprocessors and same time you see very basic computers developing on the microprocessors. In the consumer phenomena again we see the performance computers and basic computers is evolving as well our challenge as a designer and manufacturer of microprocessors in supplying and serving the fragmency segments of the market is quite bouncing we learned that to serve the segment in beneath the design increasingly different microprocessors for each of the segment of timizing the microprocessors of the segment while at the same time retaining the fundamental in architecture similarity up and down on that diagram. We do a lot of efforts in investing technology and manpower in the future and discuss a lot of efforts couple of months and we are going by a lengthy breath of easy change and find this market and we are investing a lot of money and hope the product of investment in the future. I am not sure the number for 1998 but our estimate of the product that 1998 will represent 8 billion US dollars.
   The key element that we try to achieve as a server involving divergent segment is to use the same fundamental micro architecture of microprocessors to the entire this of spectrum of the application of segment that we call the P6 micro architecture. But keep in mind even the micro architecture is going to be the same up and down of segment the product themselves will be designed specifically at each of segment initially that optimize performance and cost performance at each of these.
   The illusion of the product represents the supplementations of the products were at the segmentation of our brand. We have a successful in establishing the Pentium brand over the last several years as the major brand near all of our processors. As the single brand more than we can describe the multiple of the product family that we disper in establishing the fancy brand over the last year as a major brand the more than ordinary microprocessors so more important in that we will introduce or have introduced additional brands as Xeon(TM) brand processor represents the portion of product line that is designed for basic computing and the Pentium Ⅱ Xeon processors represents the portion of product line that goes to the higher level on the segment served to workstations and serve application.
   Let me start by the area of basic computing, designing for basic computing again remain base on the same P6 microprocessor architecture on entire product line is based on. In addition the employ that we call smart integration that is using the increasing budget of more and more transistors on an economical and effective chip it achieve product effectiveness by combining different functions on the same flap of a chip. From the history being from time to time for example that way back from ten years ago when the availing processor architecture involved of the chip we discover that as the transistors budget increase as the functions that represented by separate chip on the same chip on that generation, the generation for the same degree. This function for the processor than forward from that to be present day beyond from Peking at product at same chip on which we do up on the micro pro revived. Put it as an example. The product information that we intend to employ collectively exhibits as it design for microprocessors called the basic computing segment.
   In addition to that even the on cost effectiveness of the segment we are adopting a low cost packaging technology called this and are in order to illustrated this. Let me introduce what the main line microprocessor's central process looks like probably the Xeon has the feature of television but the package design for the Pentium Ⅱ microprocessor is like this, in this housing is a core which has a high connection it is meant to be a flexible design, and it is not an extra effective as one can do connection in one  specifically design for the products for cost effectiveness.
   In the case of Xeon processor which contain similar conduct of micro architecture to the pension to integration and multigration is one thing .We achieve cost effectiveness a sense package with which are like this is hard to be going deliver the product so by a basic a whole different design in microprocessor for the basic PC. That is and we have a road map for the extend for the next several years. What I told you on the road map is a evolution of Xeon processor from the introduction in the first period 1998 through and into the first 1999 what you see is the inclusion of inboard cash memory and what you are going to the first half of 1999 the frequency in an excess of 300 MHz going to 333MHz and future time beyond that.
   The quality we are showing you for road map of each segment that what you see is in each of the segment we try to use silicon technology to more the microprocessors in the segment we are showing you forward at similarly but different fashion representing different design project as I mentioned a minute ago. We have been benefiting in working on the microprocessor family. It's a new thing a year ago we have more individual specific designing product for this basic PC segment today we have 800 engineers working this on the product family as I showed you previously. The basic PC important as they are only represent a part of product spectrum.
   Both the market worldwide in the US, that particularly that I have more details they are the main audiences who buy and value performance as much as the value cost effectiveness. This data is very sensing data and that three quarters are the consumer by public which is the basic PC maybe appeared you have bit enthusiastic category to buy the medium technology made it in different features for the performance PC category. They made accordingly we continue to put a lot of efforts in the development of microprocessor or in the performance for this segment and in that you see. The segmentation to split into the several new categories. I would look noble planning and workstation .
   So I want to talk to you about what we do in each of the segment.
   The new development in the road map I mentioned you that introduction of is a new micro architecture modified micro architecture new instruction fashion in the first half of 1999. The walking mean we call mean in the product Katmai than the introduce of going to have a fashion brand new at which is hard to pronounce what is the product will be distinguished first by Katmai
product is going to have different instruction for each particular including performance at the desert that is going to we can see at present represents a lot of design effort and the top technology effort leads to higher and higher frequency achieving 500 MHz frequency on the best sort by the first half next year.
   The theme for our seminar today is business computing and you might sit and ask particularly might but who need high performance for the desk sort and business desk sort it computer that have today perfectly sufficient to do what I need you to do at work and the fact of matter is it isn't sufficient today and it would become lack and lack sufficient as the work habit of computer users obviously for the evolve and would become more issues particularly the traint that is going to develop and is developing .
   And computer user is the visible and sometime not visible, sometime invisible application multi application, sometime when the users open but opposite application is fully visible but often time particularly when this computer resize the network is being the computation of patch in the background that are not even visible to the users at same time require procession performance, procession a said draining performance for the desk sort. This combination of foreground and background computing at same time require procession performance in a subtle and visible fashion laid the performing at micro processor and desk sort in a substantial push run under that I show how they come about you see foreground application that one visible to you and on your screen you see the multi application that you are using among which you are exchange data and background application that are driven by the network by the server that are management by the users only visible to you in that compact the machine the very slow operation even though you had bouncing network that causing that to happen and application that I show you, you will be familiar with that by the characteristic of foreground and background computing is a visible and may be a not so simple browser because whenever you have browser open what you are doing is usually manipulate user is at foreground activity, at same time the browser interest to the server which is connected the obvious information interesting information and that is background operation so every time user one browser you are in beyond one application next it and for foreground and background competition operation. All of this is getting a little complicated. I think it is the proper place they are showing better that telling for back work on anyone else to demonstration of plan.
   What we are doing of course in another group is setting the same performance that is represented by Pentium machine and bound to movable computing such as the modern employee who is rarely at easy back, contain that application then perform laid with then what we had here is a road map that is similar at somebody behind that performance of the road map against the introduction of Pentium II processor into a movable that capable of movable computer in the package looking this on the movable simply connected on the connection in which the same handage for wide even the back seminar to be included in the notebook both designed specific power more efficiently and are working on a quarter allow the high frequency operation of micro processors you call what you can expect to see in the first half 1999.
   That sort in bind machine will be available in a notebook work pact back to operate this aspection on move application are here persperate that is seen the product by brand I mentioned Pentium II Xeon processor the road map is distinguished in suited action first of all for the introduction of Xeon processor in the second half this year. And secondly we will include the inboard memory, unboard cash memory side and of course lend the performance something in accept of another hood are hit the purpose of all these combination are the large cash and the seek forming rapid performance on that sort the illustrate hot filing through work of new tech is the demonstration of what processor than do rapid in that application. The kind of performance that you saw here and cost effectiveness performance from very angle part of industry to the visual they also appear in complete difference like mechanical design automation, electronically design automation and also as modeling their repeated representation of energy can gain information out of overworking among data. I can desert things much acute fashion out of visual representation that out of the seek data .
   Let me want to the next segment with service and by way of motivation a project about image of the world of a billion connected computers by one of the things. A billion connected computers reguired can what we mean the service provide the art information that the computers want to act. The key principle here is PC economic the use of industry established (null class) either production we have name and provide very very major cost effectiveness in the users of Intel technology that easy effect of the cost effectiveness growly technology server under charge .
   We show an industry sophisticated service and group of service altogether. The product compound that any group at server of people tone but it is made up to two categories intellectual service and other type of service, the intellectual service grows 38% while the other type of that grows 13% quite freely not only is serve population growing but economy should be serviced, standard high service and economic technology faster than the total. One of the challenge that we had over Pentium in the past we have new processors that would be dominant that application users processors of serve application. We did not shin on performance as we have much want to do compared the measurement of transaction for minute on which is commonly used service performance measure and on intellectual service which should be yellow the leading compound over sport machine which is the blue in order that the yellow has reached the richest for excute performance at part of compilation a processor and multiprocessor as well, the difference are not that large performance, are providing excellent performance that difference are large providing performance will be high value economically of feasing industry and we look at the cost performance and fly performance where grow line be economic service provide where more must be into cost performance. That the key challenge we have as we design product service is to acquire all of this quality that make the service as the key ability. The ability of what to ask one way to two way to four way and beyond service and we are making along the flow and we would like to call a mega themselves demonstration of the see ability looks like in a simulation of a real life honest have application.
   The Pentium processor is pretty yield processor it is ready for a museum at this point given
the later development and in fact we are going flash the work station service product that mentioned earlier is Pentium Ⅱ Xeon processor. Let me tell you and let me illustrate to you how the Xeon processor is begun from the Pentium Ⅱ processor it is in the gemology the next number but it is substantial different in economic for design because in the third segment is was man for hidden the server at work, workshop application that the way that was in the taking off it put the sort we take out Pentium Pro chip and become to 200 MHz we include the frequency and we include the cash by and place brand new Pentium Ⅱ chip we include the section with it and put it on the two sides board into a brand new package scheme that allow the characteristic to reach the outside board and what we have a function to Pentium Ⅱ Xeon processor looking exactly like this and deboard it as the animation showed the Pentium Xeon processor is what is called full the flop full processor crop represents the characteristic it carry move data such as what the need of demonstration. That is the application the cost frequency of course is the segment in all segments more than double the mega frequency that is pullage up to twice as large the inboard cash memory can it match of both management feature will be good.
   That are cost founding details map to show as introducing as Pentium II Xeon processor to increasing satisfied at frequency exceeding by the first half of 1999,500 MHz, all of these come in the same method technology as all other microprocessor and therefore their cost effectiveness to the manufacturer and user. Correspondingly as early as indicate to work station software acquire volume to Intel architecture. These are supplemental application all of them higher than former supplemental application has been committed to more the introduction of micro processors in the servers area making up a substantial product so do the number grow everyday.  
   Beyond this we would begin at very significant mean architecture into 64 implementation what we call IA-64 line. The IA-64 line will be embodied in the first processor decoding at set and but if wanted first in a family that development will go on for many decades (null class) application such as that show the performance of the product Pentium about substantial hardware committed for the variety had about putting them working on the board that is worthy enough. We have on the company that a good number of those before this commitment have perceived a proprietary and rich architecture are special today in the line and move of them are abandoning that total together. Others are incorporating the IA-64 line ,in the line at the same time all of all that they need (null class) and win back a large number of superworld company and superyard product that had been forcing their product the intention to you push you optimizing their product to IA-64 has grown as IA-64 continue to grow similarly to the wrapper of a hard company what is important to realize.
   However, we are not watching from the 32 line to 64 line. We are starting a new branch of proper serve in that would provide by the blue line into the IA-64 before higher performance and probably anticipate a high laid increasing performance in the years to come and continue in the extension of 32 bit processor line. Xeon processor as well as the product that are today in development that extend 32 bit line.
   Beyond that would comprehend covering the entire feature of computing from the basic and interfecture in the enterprise shade application the truck is pushing to become a unifying architecture of computing. I describe to you the full driving forces at motivate a new one that core optimize at cost post one which is the low cost high performance computing and might ask that is the low cost high performance computing and segment of computing in addition to that connected computing is the second driving force as the development.
   I solid presentation by mentioning expectation might target the cash memory to keep in mind the development is world a billion connected computers. As to said to ask what is today want to look like are the worldwide number of interconnected computers we are assuming a number worldwide reaching 150 million connected computers the wondering that some 60% theoretical project number another looked at 150 million equal or organization can exchange information with each other. Interesting enough in the just in the last year to hand rapid development Internet interconnected
Computer in China the operating computer with range full quite range beginning to our million connected computers in China alone . It is important to understand the connect year, begin that year by data were the computing.
   Now today data network is achieved by fashion design data network for example the data network illustrated by the net experiment connecting quite similarly at server called the data network we have back the place presentation on the wall as we mentioned earlier, but a large portion of borrowing fashion the world network that design long before anybody for it, for data network and data communication and connected computers that people want the function of sufficient connection between one to another and borrow that complete the network but the picture lists were the portion tat visible above water level. It is the portion that is net work on the telephone network. The last bit were designed be a network the backbone network such as any organizations and companies that once mention like Xeon are data network to handle package communication. And that all the world up to 10% of world work trying that would be replaced by dedicate data network also that you have the limitation for network that you have designed. For that you borrow for data users.
   Why is you important why is the internet in connected computers so important for business computing than is a very significant emerging trend which is the business is getting transacted increasingly computing screen to computing string and usual connection between the computing screen internet.     
   It is a very dynamic phenomena some indicate that 1996 a mount the trade that conducting connected computers made up implement borrow sufficient by that by the early next century 300 billion dollars of commerce representing a very rapid annual trade that I like (null class) demonstration to you is similarly that way.
   Electronic commerce business connected string to string on internet connected computers were connected small companies along the world and become as much medium for commerce as fate work processor simple fiction has become the world medium of surprising the medium accounting.
Freely the point available that the first year of late 90's a strategy inflection point for the major change in the conditions of conduct business for all types of businesses and the recognition for the increasing spending by business on information technology the charge for holding information technology standing.
   The last 3 years are for this is increasing spending business on information technology different countries in the world and let me call you attention to it let free borrow represent from U.S. and percentage of grow the most product the total numbers of 3/4 percentage of center product and each year the percentage is larger than before. Many companies arriving an independent decision in concentrate the significant abasement and development the percentage is larger than before computers on their own business property, computers would go to the significant to the lower percentage level than some of the developed countries particularly in the U.S. that is a concerned development that we can go back econatriangle live birth if that is a burnt a worldwide set of organ dangers than economy that isolate then the fashion.
   My single form is the interconnected PC will become for business of all types over the next decade and that in the world at a billion connected computers in that thing information technology is not a luxury, it is strategic necessity.
   Thank you very much for your attention!








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:39 |只看该作者
























   高能奔腾处理器推出已有三年,随着当今技术日新月异的发展,它该进博物馆了。如前所说,我们现在已经有了奔腾IIXeon处理器,它针对高带宽的服务器和工作站方面的应用,这与其前一代的高能奔腾处理器不一样,我们用具有MMX(TM) 技术的奔腾IIXeon处理器代替最多只能有200MHz的高能奔腾处理器。我们提高了频率,提高了高速缓存,而且使用了新的封装技术,使得输入/输出端变得更合理。奔腾IIXeon处理器是我们所说的第一个Slot2(插槽2)的处理器,Slot2主要代表输入/输出特性,它能够处理更多的数据。除此之外,它还有100MHz的系统总线,处理器的频率也比高能奔腾超过两倍,缓存多了一倍,它有全速的缓存总线,也有更好的可管理性。





















Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2005-11-2 16:25 |只看该作者








Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-11-2 15:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Cisco CEO

It's a pleasure to be here today. In many ways it's bind of interesting because somebody would have asked. Would an internet working company be given a key note at COMDEX just two years ago. three many people in this room would have that would happen three going avoid in the front row that even with our own company we would not consider this a desktop or client/server shall with operate assistant etc.In some of the largest players at this show two year ago would nearly ignore the internet, and yet if you look today and where the products of all almost all the companies at the show will be our the next three years the devices be the high tech and low tech would have major connectivity and almost all the high productivity applications will lasorate their network in a major way. In short, we are involving to get the technologies closer and closer together, and we are changing almost every aspect of our lives as we go forward. I don't think it's too large a statement to say we are almost in a revolution if you will as we move forward. It will change literally the way we work, live, play, and learn and the way many people have not thought of. And I want to throw out the discussion refer to the internet. As you can see as you grow you get a lot of more attention in many ways most of them for the better if we wish to move forward. We want all our concerns. But also encourage people to voice interns at the night time and our voice being very successful to anyone's comer's at any point of time. But what you see is the internet and I want to define the internet not in a whole bunch of technology terms. The Internet to me is one big network. It's not the cooperate intranets, it's not the extraneous that tie together your supplies with you at work. It's not the big-internet It's all one that works because no sooner do we create the terminology than the line learn. But literally it will change every aspect of our lives the way we work. Those companies who understand how to apply the technology would get ahead of other companies, and perhaps it would determine the growth of their survival. It will change the way we play and live and the ways just started to dream about the day and perhaps children understand better than we do. And we also change the way we learn, because the people who graduate today from school will have between sit and ten jobs as they move forward. I want to very much thank COMDEX for allowing me to be have today and I also want to thank to group for alloy group bawdy that works in Europe and welcome the European crowd.

I'd like to really focus on prmaly house change the way as we move forward. But I want draw how quickly this change occurring involving almost like Industrial Revolution if you the past. When you think about it, the Industrial Revolution occurred, starting in Great Britain spread in West Europe and then the United States. It changed the way we worked lived in place many for the better. It determines which economy will take off. It also determines what was the shill sets we needed, the very simply good, what it did is it brought together machines and people in factories and changed forever our life. It was a revolution that occurred several hundred years and lured populations move from country to country and companies move from country to country based upon their ability to employ the technology in this Industrial Revolution. I don't think internet revolution is any difference. It's gone change all aspects of our way of lives. It literally will bring together the internet revolution if you will-people and information in global virtual companies and it will have the same effect that the Industrial Revolution did. But the internet moves in what we call dog-years or internet-years. One calendar year is dogs-like is really seven years. The same thing is true (in) the internet. The internet moves at the pace almost seven times faster than normal business. Just look at how much it occurred in the lost two years since COMDEX two yeas ago and discussion that work the role it place as you move forward. It's also going to be internet generation. We are all part of that. And generation does not apply to one age group. Our children perhaps understand more about the internet than many of the people in this room in terms of how to use it and how to server for it. When I talk to a number of our customers, they would say:" John, it might surprise you in the face of the strong internet." I am talking about people who are going to be consumers. And many of them said that I had the answer. Eighteen to thirty years old say:" Yes, I expect that." But fifty-five and over. The people who have extra time on their hands to have an application to learn how to use internet for such as looking up their stocks or communicate with grand-children studying to be in this area. Or internet generation also applies to companies. Those companies who understand how to employ this technology pick the right applications at the right time understand the compete advantage keep one step ahead in this now market would be those who grow and survive as you move frond before And it's also applied to the countries. Just like the Industrial Revolution dermises which country had the best standard of living over a period of hundreds of years. The internet revolution wills the same impact. Those countries who use this technology to add productivity activity to the government, who uses this technology in the way, they teach children how to employ it to be more effective not always in business but also in the way they live and play. And those countries and companies to employ would determine the future of their economies in many ways. It used to be the U.S, Europe and Japan as example. You could often tell what the economy was like in terms of internet but also the main cards. Almost no Japanese businessperson has called one had an internet address on it?

Today it's almost socially unacceptable not to do that. The Japanese in four years have closed the advantage that the Europe and North America to have on the internet where it almost completely equal. Then understood the impact that it will have on the future of their business, the future of the country, the future of their children. So the internet generation is people, companies in countries move in an unbelievable pace as it move forward.

There are two things that are really driving this. The first is its fourth generation of technology, with each generation being dramatically bigger than the prior generation. For several decades, it was be the main trend, followed by mini-computer  ,and then literally Comdex desktop and client/server applications pieces of lands. And now it is the new work generation. And it will have more impact probably them all the three prior generations combined .So as you more into the new generation technology you naturally see the explosion. But what is driving it even stronger than the technology is the business establication. It doesn't matter if you are in Germany, France, UK. US., Japan , or China. All the business organizations have the same challenges. They understand the particularly large companies organize improperly property You see the spends in control increase dramatically removal of the layers of the organizations in the impairment of the workforce. But the impairment only works if you have access to the information and you know what you surpose to be able to do. And nearly the companies you learn how to do this are going to be the one moving ahead. The average productivity or profilablity return that we get Cisco as and example is over 10% per year increase of profilability or productivity within the company because they how use the application. And average productivity is over 50% increase for the Internet application that we do. I didn't understand how quickly this was changing to more and more of chief executive bosses (offices) have realized that the internet is going to be the bey productivity towards the next decade perhaps determines their survival. An example mould be two years ago if I call exactly the chief officer of a large financial institution We had a very good conversation. They asked me the questions that the CIO and for about the first ten minutes and for the next forty minutes they discussed about investing ascos I billion dollars in cash or if I didn't want to give them the money to invest, how about making loan to me. And other words execution cannot less us about this technology. Today it's very common to meet with the whole executine management team. The talk with the leaders the financial institution about how this is going to be prime activity for the next decade for them. The talk about how they are going to use this tool as banking, and insurance, and stock recourage combine to present the board and the director why this is important to get improve of their budget and even when they  key customers to meet with those customers to explain how the financial institution is going to use the technology in the way that will benefit them. And this is occurring at a increasingly fast pace. The business drivers Let's use the U.S. as an example During the prior generation of technology many computers. If you look at the total capital spending the amount of money was spent on plants equipment automobile things of that type, it was in a single date during the seventies As PC stared to take off, another desktop dient server devices, you began to see an increase. Today networking is nearly driving this increase. You are taking about in the area of capital spending in the U.S. 43% of all capital spending going to high-tech. One of the reasons our economy is so strong in the U.S. verses other economies a round the world is how this high technology is being applied and it doesn't take mathematicians very long to realize which way this trend is heading. But you can still see other countries around the world follow the similar trends or they are going to be left behind as you move forward. When you look at the network, if I were to show you a network design of what you go through a major business only an engineer would get excited about it which is cool. It is unbelievable complex. In terms of how you share information. For me, leader's point of view I look at the network I think about is my home office, my international locations, my sales offices, my key suppliers, the ability of my employees, and partners, and suppliers get access from their homes to the information entitled to or as you move around the world. But as I began to look at the complexity this represent is kind of scaring. Nearly what you want to see from customers or what customers want to see us do as venders is make this transparent to them. To mess this complexity. To compare if you will simplicity of the telephone just want to work wants to be easy to use. But what many people forget is that the telephone was in being by Graham Bell in 1876, took a hundred and twenty years to get to where we are today. And were largely one company and one company in each country that has responsibility for implementing this service and making advice work together from your home or business all the way throughout the network. We got to move from the same point in networking to where the various devices high or low tech and the versions applications have to be very tightly in customers' perspective for the networking really to explode and for us to open up the opportunities many companies represent in this room. To do that it requires a generation partnership. It is our view that those companies who don't understand how to partner, how to a line, how to a partner acquire, and do join-venture would be left behind. And when you begin to think about the partnership that you are going to need that would be the network, but one side of the network would be the devices that you need, Whether those devices, dated devices, Video, must wkly the combination of those, PCs, telephones, etc. Network computer. And you've got to interface with those in the network and seen in the same way of customers' perspective. You've got to be able to get to the date ware where it is the network is and you don't care but you incorporate internet in the World Wide Web in your suppliers of network. You've got to be able to get there very quickly whether its on main frames mini-computers, PCs services, or whatever on that side. And you've got to be able to go over a number of various services prvrclers must carve to be able to get there in the network. And at the same time the customers or system integrators giceters would have to help to malice dangerous products work more effectively together and focus on contact applications. So you are going to a generation par tnerships. For Cisco as an example we begin to look which line we will align a number of PC companies, motor companies, mini-computer companies, etc. We are going to align with the people, we think home the probability of influence these internet plans. We would do the same thing on the service side of the home. We will look at which service providers are really going to push the technology the fastest and will align the Indian strategy. We will really allow them competitive advantage lower cost of ownership in the kind of market. And we will also look at which system integrators you want to align as you move forward. How many people in this room really two years ago thought a system of integrators, whose business used to be to combine various products malice more work together would ever allow the key nender. And this is the type of partnerships that will help to mass the complexity in the industry as we move forward. And those venders and companies in our industry you understand how to do this, how to partner, align , and align will be the ones who lead the industry.

Now the mine majority of this discussion is talking about how it is going to change the way we work, and ways we haven't even imagine. And what I talk about today, I believe one year from new the COMDEX will seem kind of mundane. It's nearly going to change every aspect of our lives and how we work. And I wish I could tell you the reuse ten or fifteen applications that will be applied every industry across the board. There aren't. The application very dramatically about which industry and what application has the biggest pay back. There are probably two key exceptions to that, one being electronic industries and government and second being training. But let me talk specifically about the applications might apply to a number of industries of people listening to the discussion today.

Let's first talk about manufacturing. In manufacturing, the key application which networking is really going to enable is productivity and time to market and leading automobiles companies around the world twenty years ago might do that in eight years. Then people began to look how to bring it down in 5 years or 3years. And now companies in Europe in the U.S. and Japan how to do that in one. You can't do this without very tight network duplications and network devices. You have to think about how to tie together not only in entire company so all your very engineering groups around the world, all your very many affection group around the world were work together but how do you integrate through network to your keys of layers, give them access to information. And companies who are able to do this with best productivity and best time to market would be throe who grow and survive and those who do not would go the other way. Similar example in the aircraft industry. How quickly a company can bring a product to market with productivity increases we talk about before would determine winners and losers in the air space industry. One of the larger space firm nearly recently cat their planes into sections get teams working around the world in each section, the nose section, the engines, the wings, the tails, the cabinet, etc. Tie in their sapphires the key part of their team, design and now build up planes completely with paper.

The point being in many manufacturing industry, productivity and kind of market are the two areas that people focus on and would determine which company move forward if you will, and which company goes sideways and revere way as you move forward.

The other day one of the made a comment made at the front page of the journal that kind of surprise me. If basically said that it is net just the discount stockbrokers that they going to use internet to purchase stock. It's going to apply to all, at the investment industry. And well, that was an interesting statement people said how other organization that are him rigors making money, it was just an application. What it really said in the security industry the various leaders in the company have to understand what one the elements of the network can model task. Which does each company have as a short-term or long-term competitive advantage and what is stable competitive advantages they offer. And you are going to have pressure products in the face of your customers based upon where those are. And how do you keep a step head in commode. And network would be the primary that determines how quickly this is going to happen and how you really protect this advantage that you to have, how you could have access to your customers' information that they need, what you can charge, what you can not for commonly information you can go directly, go directly into the system. And you want your financial advisers to value you on top of your customers, particularly as customers become more and more sophisticated. But more important when you talk to the leaders in the in source companies or the leaders of the banks they just talk about just how they make their own company more productive, they are not talking about their traditional competitors, they are really talking about their future competitors. When I talk to the CEO insurance company their future competitors they don't mention other insurance companies, they mention other fsnaneial institutions. And it helps people who are going to use the network to provide the applications which enable their insurance agent, their financial agent, the stockbroker, if you will, with the bank teller not only to do their applications but to do the applications through a combination of the integration that allow you to service the customer with one stock touch and educate people so that when I talk to my insurance agent, he or she would not always say:  John, you are eighteen year old, drive any better before than before ?¨ But be able to talk about here is the your stacks are you bought the other day based on your buying pattern, or something, she will be invested in. The mortgage is coming down you ought to think about finance your home at time, etc. And these would be the network applications with combination of human and artificial intelligence that really make it to go to determine the winners and losers as you more forward.

Let's talk about how you going to go to the consumer, Let's talk about what company used to consider as a key competitive advantage in the market place. You used to consider as a key competitive advantage in the market place it how many locations you had, how large an inventory you had In each of those locations. And when a consumer came in your ability to direct them to the product they wanted or you certainly suggest to them at time. You look at the largest book stores in our country. Perhaps as many as thousands that was, tens of thousands of employees, billions of dollars of sales, but think how this is going to change as the network comes about! Their key competitor of the larger company is small company or called Andock Come. And Andock come has 2.5 minion books that they can access to. And perhaps dramatically a better price. So all of a sudden all the book stoles have to think about what I have consider advantage in terms of employees and the actual inventory level that I had has to begin to think about what aid do I have when someone knocks at my store that I can get our the network. That's the transition they have to make our next 3or 5years. They will also sell the product through network then they will get the watch how to handle the channel distribution issues is other words, understanding where they aid is the stable compatible advantage, a temper competition advantage in the commodity of time.

A similar comparison could be drawn as you look forward to other industries. Toys come up to the holiday seasons. How many of you really love to go shopping in the crowds of the holiday season? I mean it's a thrill, isn't it! Finding lines, finding parking place, waiting in lines to buy toys that children told you what you want to buy only to find by the time you got there the toy isn't there, or you look at toy and it's for the wrong age what your child is. Most of us know what toy you want ahead of time. And most of us don't consider that a particular enjoyable experience. And then you get to bring them home and get them wrapped and bring them down to the post office to see them off to your families around the rest of the country. Think how this is going to change in term of your ability of all of a sudden you can order toys on line! And not only could you order them on lines through easy process, you could use products being developed by a number of people in this room in terms of video PC applications, the visualized products, see what aged people was for, get look at the ways we are not acceptable, even avers a couple of years ago. You could stop by the toy store, pick up them on the way home, or you get it where you want. Now we can argue if this it going to happen in just a period of one year one five years. My answer is yes, somewhere within that range. And companies who don't understand how they've got to make their toy stores more attractive, and convenient to shoppers we command in the place we experience and reason to go there if all we do is picking up some we already know we are going to acquire over time in a different way we have never thought of before. And it applies to big items as well. Car dealership, .How many people in this room like to go buy car? I mean isn't a fun! You know what car you want you know what color it is, you know what interior you want, and you spend the next four airs, having the sales person convince you, you don't want their car, you want the car that they have on the lot. Or you are high price going to for a very ling period of time. You are going to see the same movement. You've already seen companies like general motors begin to go on lines with their systems. As our technology by the devices represented in this room today, and connection, the application to the internet that it will get better, you'll be able to get almost all the information used to get from the dealership over the network. And dealership has to think how they are going to change in the future. Again you are going to argue what's going to happen in 3 years or 10years, but will all very rapidly this way. And their competitive advantage of dealerships is going to change, perhaps more to service and support. They've got to make that an enjoyable experience when you come to see the door, not something in this room will actually regret have to do. The point that I am making is that the advantages many of us consider our business to be a key stable advantage just five years can be disappeared because of this technology ad you more forward. Lots of companies talk and will we are really proud of this success we had Cisco in the fastest, most profitable computer company history. We talk about that in due to our focus in our customer, setting almost impossible stretch goals, learning how to be number one or number two but often people don't understand what perhaps the key reason, the break copartners. It was how we are our own technology, and network we have been able to applications. One of the top five to six factors that really allow this occur. We saved last year alone of an expense 2 billion dollars, two hundred and fifteen dollars. And just five applications. The number was actually larger than that. That's twelve and a half percent increase in productivity. last year alone, similar increase in prior years and I am going to be able to more even aggressive as you see what goes forward. The number was larger than that. Though if you will share that large number with customers. I am not sure how many of them would believe it and secondly if I want my board director this year the budget I want to improve and told him how much I am saving and I would like to improve the budget. What I'm really saying is the opportunity almost unless if you select the right applications. And this goes back to gain 5-10 application each industry very important for us. Interfacing the customer had the biggest payback. It is very expensive interface transitionally dawn it. And the majority way we use our sales support people are partners. Support people on the field are just answer in very basic questions about technology. The functionality of the product, when is the delivery day going to take place what about you next release day etc. And we realize if we auto-make that, not only would our fewer force be more effective, our partner's force be more effective, our partner's force be more effective as well as our supports which more getting 3000 cost amount of project to now cost amount to be more effective.

But more important thing I want to, to take them 3000 cost amount to 12000 cost amount in 1991-1992 would be all the head I had appeared for the whole company. I wouldn't have any engineers, and I wouldn't have any engineers, and I wouldn't have any sales people as is in other fields, in other word. Even of productivity increase I wouldn't have done it and my customers would suffered so instead we build up a system put on LAN to where didn't go from 3000 cost amount, it went from 3000, not to 12000, but 700000, and 2/3, over 2/3 of those on line by the system, without touching the human being, and the customers satisfaction on 5 point scale, the less couple amount is gone over 4.3 actually high than talking to human being. Say the works of Engineers, we took the thousands of engineers instead putting them in support. We put them in R & D. We build up product space to report. And you begin to get a lot, the next that I want to talk about is I think this is going to grow much faster than people realize, early this year. Even some of the best projection industry place the value that would converse at $5 billion this year. They missed, they place the 20 to as high as 300 billion by year 2000-2001, most of those could be offered a long way. Cisco alone that is owning around $3.2 billion in that commune. In 8.1996, we started an internal order of the world. 30% increase of productivity for us and 20% increase of productivity for our customers. It is going by almost 10% per month in terms of acceptance of the technology. Now, why this commerce will be primly business to business over the next couples of years was probably 85% plus in the business-to-business area. It will spread to business consumer. And business consumers what you read about a handful lot is business to business will determine the leaders and where the majority will own over the next several years. And it will be either Cisco or our competitors that by the year 2000-2001 there will be doing 15.20 or 25 billions themselves over the network. A shared us as an example begins to interface all the member will make the numbers of 20 million is very small. My own view is that the high numbers as much as fire-fold, one of the challenges is how you keep your culture.

As the environment changes, and if we only talking to each other, we are going to lose our culture. With the answer you can't train, you can talk to your employer as frequently as you want. You can have the internet to do that. If we thought we have now employees. It cost several million dollars and training is one area that world determinate whether or not we can stand the leadership of our industry when doing wide broadcast you can all the thing, the same time of training for nearly l0 and thousand dollar or how you communicate your employees how you do the training would much easier for the leaders in terms of the culture they want.It will allow you to share your culture with employees.

Now I got to work with our engineers in their working, and know they are still call the services some present that you know as a little bit heavier and as quite as much air from outside, so talk with engineer we but the point that are maker is till the day araila today, You are beginning to think about the virtual company, look quarter on San Francisco, these is their system business and for other things we did a point time we stop you and IAS. It was in 1992 there was engineering more products put back in supporting our customers better and broke away at faster and faster pace so this just unkind excepts we talking about the time is the way business is going to be done, and those companies know employees technologies and select the application throughout times would be once win and those who don't left behind, regards where you are in this global economy. Let's talk about how businesses is going to change, today I talked earlier if you talk any employs. I have to change the organization structure, but if you are imply employees and they don't have access the information that you needed make decisions, they can make their decisions, and yet the employees' ability to yet information their own company, how many it is easy to get assistant, large staff of five people to go to get forming and yet you impair people if you don't give them access information, they make no decisions. We ever get customers' ability to really get access to information quickly instead requiring a number of talk to our sales people, often when all they want to know was shift of product to tell me about the new product in terms of definition. You want to use is very expensive and valuable resources of your own and your apartment average voles. You really gone talk about how do you break down this very information as you impair your employees. As you give access to your customers most information in their work. As you truly become a vintners company, will you can tell my affecting for my suppliers for myself will be one virilers company to the organization as you look forward as to you partners as well. And the company knows how to do this again will become you leave. The textbook warden about virtues company at years ago will happen the next decade. And this will be the company that you should go forward. It isn't just large businesses that really change on this side. It will change what people consider to be advantages. If you look at U.S. as an examples, it projected that 25% of what they formal is small businesses will be connected to the Internet at now. And 15% of the medium size businesses will be connected to the Internet at now. For those small or medium size businesses interface to large companies their supply to other businesses until almost all will be connected by 2000 in my opinion. And about 2000, you will go to see the interface that consume the structure to take off, is each of to get the technology in to our home, lose the fear how to use it and be able to use for one application which were brought at home and for many other applications across the whole family you should know forward. I'd like to give you an example how a very small company with a very limited number of employees in one major really compete with largest players in their industry.

Now to tell you that all our customers are but what you really thought was a small company with a couple handfuls of employees. They learned to have low became of resources across the country, and appear to very large company in each location. Their competes who have large amount of resources each location. They can't low became at an effective way, could be at a tremens price disvanteye. They have to think what the be wish to I have the small company not blame. And that is one can work in three thongs the application in our company about example across all small and medium size businesses move forward. I want to switch the second third the way that work change the way me and play and the way that year never imageries our chief officer couple years ago his home switch the every one winch my home now to every room. Our whole family use that work the internet feel well. It was brought in to home for businesses reasons for meet the applications extess to the number of each evening access to critical counts key information, etc. But once was there will to the way never imagine, my soon who is 18 years old also coach sour far to 9 years old, he communicate the sour over the internet. He communicates the parents of this prides over the internet he was it to do school work my daughter when she applied collage uscel to look for information about each college, asp scores teacher and student ratio and boys and girls ratio witch took me understand what's important. But she used it now to communicate to all her friends all over the country as they went different college. My wife has learn and how to use in terms of interfacing to an interior decorate and fortune very expensive option. You want to figure out some way to screen certain information coming in your how that I got to yet have to work that more effectively and technology will be their. My father who was computer illeterator 2 years ago. 73 years old ever use the piece in his life can all the serve the internet more effectively then I can. I got to relationship. He is my best friend. We communicator all the time, but now you often tell me the phone call as you tell me computers doing, has made about my company and suggest how ought to run the company better with information. I hadn't even seen and points that I'm making the change every aspect of our life across all of the generation. At the same time, more and more the parents around the world are working, either the single parents are still working parents 60% of the children in the U.S. under 6 and yet 60% of the parents read the daycare canter is a poor. Think of how internet working could ever change, the compote. And strong employees how are the employees think about the daycare center, think of your look and your has the capability to go internet to look what your child is doing. Those is one daycare center did in outside New York city. They install cameras around daycare center search to see all the locations. The internet on the web side every 30 seconds the number of young people there mere over 200. This became so popular way of looking alarm the parent a piece of man looking at the children. At any point, there would be any question on the granelporents to be all to be looked after. But they double the business had to open the second daycare center. And the point that are making is this is going to change. The way business done, the way play and learning the ways. But now my revolutionary is next year COMDEX will consider of course be honor you do that. It will also allow to be more effective work because the thing we all worry about is our children and how they were doing. I wish I could figure out the way to use the similar technology to trace 18 or 20 years old and what they are doing. How we learn, how many people in this room know how to use the slide rule. Put on your resume when you look for another job? Now you don't, I was agreed with the shale rule I was recompleco the Electra but commit another technology come along. The way we are training our children in case of 12 and university around the world, it is not that generation was earner, we have to rapidly change, we have to use the network as the now to train them. We have to cash them how to use the network to do the research papers, how to do in the coop well of the money taken me a week to research. Most the universities in the U.S. around the word over next couple of years were tied internet to individual dorm rooms. Thus make paper on the internet. Be able to get the information in the library no longer be the library. On compose will be world wide web from out side of the house. And much the education for those of us will go a change job to gradually the day. 6-10 times in our career to continue the education would be done by distance learning for university would probably have many people. In the NBA class, if it will, the distame learning in virtues classroom will be naturally NBA schools themselves and we are talking about the U.S. about wiring schools. There were 64% schools in the internet connection. And we are being talking about how do we teach our young people how to use this technology. Let's get some in this area, we got to get the wire to each classroom, we got to teach the teachers how to use this technology more important how to teach outside. As you know going to get over. We would also get people there to support because the real cost of the products are departed on themselves is actually the support of the products, as we more forward. But we you begin to look at where the job is on the day you realize the education system is not preparing for students whether jobs or not . And how to take alone 19000 jobs openings, 19000 and the average high tech wages force the rest of the private sector is 73% higher in U.S. than the other private sector jobs are, and yet we can't feel the responds . And over 70% of the company's representatives in this room will tell you perhaps the most critical factor that limits the growth of their ability to get quality ----employees. And you might think it's only high-tech phenomena. That is not true. The exact same thing is true of manufacturing operation world-wide. If you use example of American manufacturing, the chairman of the National Association of Manufacturers the other day made a very blunt statement.

He basically said the finding qualified employees was the number one challenge facing American manufacturing not high tech. America manufacturing across the board. The same will be true in the other countries whether in Europe or in Japan. And he also followed up with the comment. The lesson learned is very simple: either we get to learn how to train our employees and prepared our employees better, or high technology and production will go to other economics around the world. It is a matter of survival. In short, we got to do a better job are. Our university system in this country want the best in the world. But our key through 12 is broken. His broken, when the 11th and 12th grader writing scores continue to decrease, the tipsy key scores have decreased since I graduated 30 years ago. The average 4th and 8th grader in this country, 40% of the 4th and 8th graders can't even achieve the leases level of skills in mathematics and testing from that side 29% of young people. That go to the college have to do remedial classes in universities. Now that's was in our country as far has preparing the students for the future. But if you haven't addressed anything else, think about how this internet haven't generation is going to change in terms of the world wide global economy where the jobs will more to wherever the work force is. Now we can agree that is gonna happen in fine years and in is years. The answer is it's not gonna take 100 or 200 years like the industrial revolution. And as you begin to look about the global economy. Companies are gonna move the employees because they have to either those states with the best education and the employee are or to those countries. And the us will not be competitive even though we might have the best productivity tools have because over time all the other companies around the world who are growing are about to love them.

So the countries, when we read, we spend 300 billion dollars a year by the way in education, third out of the top 41 industrial countries in terms of percentage GNP spent on education, and yet our student rank 17th science and 27th in math. We are going to impair our your people, or workers employees with tools. Americans have the basic skills to know what question to ask and how to interpret the results. We have to change this. Business has leaded the way. There is no special interest group that put pressure or business on this. Business has the say the way we are training our young people is unacceptable, is unacceptable for the future employees. But it's also our over 1 issue of our existing employees that their children are not getting good education. And we have to do three things: we have to push to get testing; we have to be able to compare, not only from state to state, but country to country. Secondly, we got to introduce competition in choice. And the choice has to occur to all our students, regardless of income level, not just for those who can afford it. And third you get the tell the results reward as you move forward. And business has to think about that in this room. Otherwise the business could move to other countries around the world from that in where the educated work force is. As the world move forward, and groups such as technology in network I think can if we are successful to play a key note in this area. But I encourage you to play yourselves. Now let me talk about one thing that Cisco is doing this kind of unique. When we talk about when we are in the classrooms. It isn't the cost of connection and isn't the cost of wires the buildings where your real expenses are. Your real expenses over time how to mention the systems and how do you train students in the case through 12th they aren't going to the voltage for the future. I'd like to assure shat we are doing is a number of classrooms around the United Sates.
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