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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2009-4-11 12:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Sb dances like an animal.她跳舞跳得很疯狂
Have a weakness for sth酷爱sth
Bob’s your uncle. 一切都会好的。
I will have a shot=I will give it a try
When’s the last call.几点打烊?
Now, that’s the ticket=that’s exactly needed. 正对路,就是它了。
(What’s the ticket?你打算怎麽办)
Have ones’ socks knocked off.=blow sb away
I need a trip to the bog.=go to wc
Gag me(with a spoon).=I am about to throw up(barf, puke)
He is in hot water with his gf=他跟女友的关系有点僵
Does it ring a bell?=眼熟吗?(或者,耳熟吗)
Let one’s hair down=take it easy; relax
It tastes like cardboard=味如嚼蜡
Iwish you’d let your hair down我希望你能放轻松
Let’s go Dutch=AA
It really hits the spot 吃、喝得痛快,很好吃(喝)
We have to each chip in a few dollars for pizza我们凑钱吃比萨
Take it on me 尝一个吧
Pizza with the works全套的比萨
Play hooky=cut class翘课
Pig out on sth=大吃
Give sb a rain check on sth=改天再。。。
Ihave a sweet tooth. 我爱吃甜食
lunch is on me午饭我请
It’s my cup of tea.这个合我胃口
I could use a snag & a tinnie=我要香肠和一罐啤酒
Have a doggie bag打包带走
Sth is a cash cow很赚钱
Chinese food rules=Chinese food rocks中国菜真棒
I’m tickled pink with Chinese food.=I’ve a weakness for Chinese food.
Passed out after 3 beers.喝了3瓶就醉倒了
Drown sb’s sorrows.借酒消愁
Be lit up like a Christmas tree容光焕发
A bay window=beer stomach啤酒肚
You’re full of hot air你是吹牛大王
Name the poison,please喝什么酒?
That’ll put air on your chest非常刺激,能壮胆,压惊
Let’s tie one on.我们要一醉方休
He’s three sheets to the wind他喝的烂醉如泥.
Let’s paint the town red.让我们尽情狂欢
He’s 3 sheets to the wind 他喝得烂醉如泥
Way to go!干得好!
You’ve to go the extra mile.你要加倍努力
I really put my foot down this time.我这次下决心了
White elephant sale=garage sale
My mouth is watering 我都快流口水了
I could eat a horse我饿极了
He has a lot on the ball=他很能干
For here or to go在这里吃还是外带
You owe me 3 dollars你还要找我3美元
I have to go to the john 我得去一趟厕所(如果是女性,I have to go to the Jane)
Is there somewhere I could wash my hands厕所在哪?
Folks 1)父母
Mind your eye=be careful
Cast sheep’s eyes暗送秋波
Make eyes抛媚眼
Finders keepers, losers weepers.谁捡到归谁,丢了的活该
Stop picking on me.别惹我
Want a piece of me?你动我试试
So that’s what it boils down to原来是这样啊
Oh, boy (+)哇塞
Scaredy (Fraidy) cat=chicken=胆小鬼
She is no show=She stood me up她爽约了
Cool cat时髦的人
You’re really a tree-hugger.你是真正的环保人士
It’s on the house这是免费的
This music is whacked(-)=this music sucks
The tone here is sick.( it is sick)(+)这里的音质真棒
Pass the hat大家出钱吧
Let’s call it a wash不用找零了
It’s really neat太棒了
I can’t carry a tune in a bucket.我五音不全
My hands are sweaty.好紧张啊
It’s a snap=It’s a piece of cake.=It’s a cake walk.超简单
The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it. Flop=failure
Have a Captain Cook=Have a look.
Watch a flick看电影
He is a real airhead他真笨
Have a big mouth话太多
The movie was a bomb(flop)(-)=the movie sucks
Can you keep it down小声一点
How often do you work out?你多久做一次运动?
You are always blowing hot and cold.你总是反复无常
Love handles 腰上的赘肉
Hang in there再撑一下
I am off the hook today=I am off today我今天休假
It has all the bells & whistles=frills 有很多额外的功能
I am feeling square感到自己落后于潮流
My hands are tied我无能为力
Do you have any juice?=Do you have any connection?你有关系(把这件事搞定)吗?
You are a lucky dog你真是个幸运儿
alucky guess侥幸猜中
If you Snooze, you Lose如果你不注意,就错过良机了
That’s my bad我弄错了,不好意思
You know the drill你直到该怎么做
I have to do the math我得考虑一下
That sun there will do a number on my face.太阳会晒坏我的脸的
You really have no guts!你真胆小
On the nose
1) 6 o’clock on the nose六点整
2)=exactly! e.g.  Your guess was right on the nose
It drives me bonkers.=drive me nuts=drive me up the wall逼疯我了
He was a pig at parties.他在晚会上吃的很多
He carries a lot of weight.他说话有分量
Do you have “the” time?几点了
It isn’t rocket science 不是啥难事
People person善于交际的人
Get out of here!难以置信
Be holed up待在某地,不出去
I just have to come up for air我只想出去呼吸下新鲜空气
My wallet was hot.(-)我钱包丢了
Stop bugging me!别烦我
The bus is quite a pain这车坐着真难受
I’m really fed up我受够了
It’s a long shot这不太可能
Long shots希望渺茫的人
Don’t be a basket case不要太失望,不要太紧张
The driver must be bent o/o shape司机一定气疯了
Don’ sweat it.别紧张
Do you take money?要收钱吗?
Everything is in the bag.=all 一切准备妥当
A close call真险
I hope you can cool it.我希望你能安静下来
This is killer Shrimp.(That boy is killer lovely)- killer非常好地,非常好的
Have a blast=have great fun
I have a bottomed-down mind.我是个没什么独到见解的人
What’s the big stink?他们在吵什么?
A hip book bad=a cool book bag
Let’s play by ear 见机行事
I’m clueless about it我不知道
Knock on wood老天保佑
The bus has acted up.巴士坏了
Thanks you for giving me a wake-up call谢谢你给我敲了一个警钟
I will give you third degree later我稍后再质问你
I’m a grease monkey我是一个汽车修理工
This is only an fender bender in front前面发生了个小车祸
The writer will soon become the Aunt Sally.这个作家很快就会成为众矢之的的。
The young man has a beef with the taxi driver.那个小伙子跟司机发生了争执
I’m beat after a whole day’s work我很累
Please step on it给点油,开快点
The driver is running on empty.司机很累了
It just died on me.车熄火了
What’s the beef.你抱怨什么
Where is the fire, buddy?伙计,开这么快干吗(着火了吗)
I am taking you downtown.我送你去警局
*You’d better get on it你最好修理一下
You are an eager beaver你工作真卖力
I am not surprised that Japan is getting creamed.日本队输定了
He is only pulling your leg他不过是跟你开玩笑
My legs are killing me我走的累死了
Don’t be such a girly-man=don’t be a sissy别那么没用
Are you a two-planker你滑雪滑得好吗
*The idea was not cooked up by the cartoon.这个主意很聪明
Answer the call of nature想去厕所
That guide is a hip.(+)=that guide is a know-it-all
Do you get a lead foot. Do you need some rest?你太累了吗
*This is the main drag of the city.这是这个城市的闹市区
*I am pooped (pooped out of a race)=I am running on empty=I am exhausted.
Beats me.难倒我了
The car is a real lemon这车真次
This problem is really eating away at me.这个问题很令我担忧
I’m going bananas我快疯了
Our goose was cooked我们死定了
It’s off the beaten track那是一个人迹罕至的地方
It’s a stone’s throw away.很近
I am a little out of it.=I am somewhat out of sorts=I am a bit under the  weather我有点不舒服
Souped up car=改装车
Sure, I’m up for it.我很愿意
I have a good of it.=I have great fun=I have a blast=I have a very good time
I am in 7th heaven=I’m on cloud =I’m so wrapped 9 非常高兴
I’m fixing to go out.=I am about to go out
It’s a pair of hand-me-down shoes 这是一双旧鞋
The people here do live large!这里的人生活得真奢侈
What a hoot!真有趣
You are really a happy camper.你是个快乐的人
I’m completely blown away by the scenery 这里的风景令我惊叹不已
I take a shine to her right away我很快就对她产生了好感
Idon’t want to be a 3rd wheel.我不想当电灯泡
I really have it bad for her.我狂恋她
I only have eyes for you..我只在乎你
It makes me look bad.让我难为情
He is trying to cash in on me他想占我便宜
When he asked me to marry him, I felt in bind 当他向我求婚时,我感到狠窘迫
She is a knock-out(stunner).她真美
She seems like a cold fish=she is an iceberg她冷冰冰的

摘自:How to knock a native speakers’ socks off(一句话喷倒老美)

Note: I recommend that you buy the original book since it offers more detailed scenarios for each slang.
——Norman Cousins








Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2009-4-12 11:59 |只看该作者
多伦多地产经纪。我的微博: http://www.weibo.com/gunsmoke7911








Rank: 4

发表于 2009-4-13 09:18 |只看该作者
Let’s go Dutch=AA,记得十年前就有的俚语
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