While there have been cases reported of sudden acceleration to the company and government, the incidence rate is extremely low. However, in analyzing the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) safety complaints database, we found Toyota had a significantly higher number of complaints than other companies for the sampled year, 2008. The complaints in that database, which likely does not represent all cases, numbered 52. Between them, Toyota and Lexus accounted for more than a third of all the unintended-acceleration incidents we found among 2008-model vehicles. Seen another way, Toyota racked up more unintended-acceleration complaints than Chrysler, GM, Honda, and Nissan combined. But Toyota was not alone. 1-2个月之前,2起南加州的丰田车突然加速,煞车无效造成的全车死亡的事故及众多丰田消费者的投诉最终促成了第一波380万辆丰田车的召回事件,可悲的是上次丰田对此的解释是加速器被车垫卡住,被召回的车子主要是换车垫!