
标题: 丧钟为谁而鸣? [打印本页]

作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 15:38
标题: 丧钟为谁而鸣?




















[ 本帖最后由 小永表妹 于 2007-4-21 16:11 编辑 ]
作者: 永无止境    时间: 2007-4-21 15:43
作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 16:46

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作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 16:49

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作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 16:55


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作者: 散仙儿    时间: 2007-4-21 17:07

作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 20:19
标题: 美国新闻对每一个遇难的学生和老师都做了详细的报道
HOUSTON -        NASA officials who examined their security measures following the deadly shooting at Virginia Tech are trying to figure out how a contract worker sneaked a handgun into the Johnson Space Center and killed another employee before shooting himself.

The gunman, armed with a snub-nosed revolver, barricaded himself in a building that houses communications and tracking systems for the space shuttle. He shot and killed a man and duct-taped a woman to a chair for hours before finally shooting and killing himself, police said. The woman hostage suffered minor injuries.

"Right now we're trying to understand why this happened, how this happened," Mike Coats, director of the Johnson Space Center, said in a news conference. He said they had reviewed their procedures earlier this week because of the Virginia Tech shootings.

"But of course we never believed this could happen here to our family and our situation."

NASA spokesman Doug Peterson said the agency would review its security.

To enter the space center, workers flash an ID badge as they drive past a security guard. The badge allows workers access to designated buildings.

NASA and police identified the gunman as 60-year-old William Phillips. He apparently had a dispute with the slain man, Police Chief Harold Hurtt said without elaborating.

NASA identified the slain man as David Beverly, a 62-year-old NASA worker. Beverly was shot in the chest and was probably killed "in the early minutes of the whole ordeal," police said.

Beverly's wife, Linda, said her husband of 41 years was an electrical parts specialist who felt working at NASA was his calling.

"His intellect and his knowledge, David really felt he was contributor," she said.

Her husband had mentioned Phillips before, but she declined to say in what regard. Linda Beverly said it wouldn't be fair to Phillips.

The second hostage, identified by NASA as Fran Crenshaw, a contract worker with MRI Technologies, escaped after being bound to a chair with duct tape. She who worked in the same general area and was presumably taken hostage after Beverly was shot, Hurtt said.

"She was very courageous, a calming influence in this whole issue and apparently was a very positive relationship between her and the suspect because he at no time that we know of threatened to do injury to her," Hurtt said.

Phillips, an employee of Jacobs Engineering of Pasadena, Calif., had worked for NASA for 12 to 13 years and "up until recently, he has been a good employee," Coats said.

He was unmarried, had no children and apparently lived alone.

The shooter left telephone numbers and names of people to contact and wrote a note on a dry erase board in the room, police said.

"I don't recall what was on it," Hurtt said.

During the confrontation, NASA employees in the building were evacuated and others were ordered to remain in their offices for several hours. Roads within the 1,600-acre space center campus were also blocked off, and a nearby middle school kept its teachers and students inside as classes ended. Doors to Mission Control were locked as standard procedure.

       President Bush was informed about the gunman as he flew back to Washington from an event in Michigan, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.
作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 20:20
标题: 对每一位老师和学生的描述都很感人和详实
BLACKSBURG, Va. - Some have called him a loner, but Sun-Kyung Cho says her younger brother was quiet and reserved. She grew up with Seung-Hui Cho, but now says she feels as if she no longer knows him. From afar, she learned her brother was the gunman who went on a rampage at Virginia Tech, killing 32 people before committing suicide to cap the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history. Now, with her parents, she is "living a nightmare."


"We are humbled by this darkness," Sun-Kyung Cho said in a statement issued Friday to The Associated Press. "We feel hopeless, helpless and lost."

It was the Chos' first public comment since Monday's massacre. Raleigh, N.C., lawyer Wade Smith provided the statement to the AP after the Cho family reached out to him. Smith said the family would not answer any questions, and neither would he.

"I actually feel sympathy towards their family," said Virginia Tech freshman Andrea Hacker, 19. "A lot of people are probably looking down on them now, but they have no reason to."

"It's gotta be tragic for them as well. They're going through just as much grief as we are, plus the added pressure of having a brother do this."

The family's statement was issued during a statewide day of mourning for the victims. Silence fell across the Virginia Tech campus at noon and bells tolled in churches nationwide in memory of the victims.

At Blacksburg Presbyterian Church, a memorial service was held for Kevin Granata, a 45-year-old engineering science and mechanics professor.

Some 600 people packed the pews and stood along the walls while friends described Granata as a devoted father to three children, a beloved professor, a world-class researcher and a humble man of good humor.

"It's a hard day, but a day of trying to celebrate his life and his legacy," said Pastor Alex Evans.

Several memorial services are planned for Saturday, including Emily Hilscher and resident adviser Ryan Clark — Cho's first two victims.

"We pray for their families and loved ones who are experiencing so much excruciating grief. And we pray for those who were injured and for those whose lives are changed forever because of what they witnessed and experienced," said Sun-Kyung Cho, a 2004 Princeton University graduate who works as a contractor for a State Department office that oversees American aid for        Iraq.

"Each of these people had so much love, talent and gifts to offer, and their lives were cut short by a horrible and senseless act."

Authorities are in frequent contact with Cho's family, but have not placed them in protective custody, said Assistant        FBI Director Joe Persichini, who oversees the bureau's local Washington office. Authorities believe they remain in the Washington area, but are staying with friends and relatives.

Persichini said the FBI and Fairfax County Police have assured Cho's parents that they will investigate any hate crimes directed at the family if and when they ever return to their Centreville home.

Cho's sister said her family will cooperate fully and "do whatever we can to help authorities understand why these senseless acts happened. We have many unanswered questions as well."

Cho's name was given as "Cho Seung-Hui" by police and school officials earlier this week. But the South Korean immigrant family said their preference was "Seung-Hui Cho." Many Asian immigrant families Americanize their names by reversing them and putting their surnames last.

While Cho clearly was seething and had been taken to a psychiatric hospital more than a year ago as a threat to himself, investigators are still trying to establish exactly what set him off, why he chose a dormitory and a classroom building for the rampage and how he selected his victims.

"The why and the how are the crux of the investigation," Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said. "The why may never be determined because the person responsible is deceased."

During the campus memorial, hundreds of somber students and area residents, most wearing the school's maroon and orange, stood with heads bowed on the parade ground in front of Norris Hall, the classroom building where all but two of the victims died. Along with the bouquets and candles was a sign reading, "Never forgotten."

"It's good to feel the love of people around you," said Alice Lo, a Virginia Tech graduate and friend of Jocelyne Couture-Nowak, a French instructor killed in the rampage. "With this evil, there is still goodness."

The mourners gathered in front of stone memorials, each adorned with a basket of tulips and an American flag. There were 33 stones — one for each victim and Cho.

       President Bush wore an orange and maroon tie in a show of support. The White House said he also asked top officials at the Justice, Health and Human Services and Education Departments to travel the country, talk to educators, mental health experts and others and compile a report on how to prevent similar tragedies.

Seven people hurt in the rampage remained hospitalized, at least one in serious condition.
作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 20:22
作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 20:31
标题: 转贴:钢厂钢包脱落烧死32人
  目前当地政府已安排遇难工人家属对尸体进行DNA鉴定,并先以每人1万元的标准,将首笔抚恤金发放到死者家属手中,同时,当地政府已安排机关干部包户包人深入到死者家中,对其家属做思想安抚工作。  ”

作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-21 20:32
作者: 喜欢琥珀    时间: 2007-4-21 23:05
作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-22 10:55
标题: 艾略特(T. Eliot) ——荒原






作者: 菜鸟    时间: 2007-4-23 13:30
作者: 排骨鱼    时间: 2007-4-23 15:13
作者: 莲步青云    时间: 2007-4-23 15:43
没错,我还对比了同样报道事件进展的bbc 和 cnn的新闻语篇,



作者: 我是alice    时间: 2007-4-23 20:38
作者: 排骨鱼    时间: 2007-4-24 15:28
原帖由 小永表妹 于 2007-4-23 15:43 发表
没错,我还对比了同样报道事件进展的bbc 和 cnn的新闻语篇,

作者: 逸云    时间: 2007-4-25 11:03
作者: 踏雪寻梅    时间: 2007-4-28 14:43
原帖由 我是alice 于 2007-4-23 20:38 发表


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